Bra-Flinging Time by Special Guest Linda Swift

by Jeannie Ruesch

Happy Endings is pleased to welcome author Linda Swift to the blog today to share a moment of holiday fun:

My husband and I lived for a time in Kingston-upon-Hull in Northern England and made many trips across the Atlantic while there. One flight was just before the holidays and I was bringing a bag of Belgium chocolate angels, each about a foot tall.Β  Due to strong head winds, our plane arrived late in Atlanta and when we cleared customs and collected our bags, we had five minutes to catch the plane to Nashville.

We bumped our way to the back of the crowded plane to claim the last two available seats. (which were in the middle on opposite sides of the aisle)Β  My husband tried to stash our four carry-ons overhead but all the bins were completely full so we attempted to stash them under our seats. A big no-nonsense attendant told us we had to check them since there was no room for them inside.

“But we can’t,” I wailed.”We’ve got cookies and breakable stuff in them.”

“You have to check them,” she commanded.

Remembering those expensive chocolate angels, I resisted. “Well, we can’t.” I put one bag on the floor and placed my feet on it, still holding the angels in my lap.

“You can’t put it there,” she screeched.Β  “The man at the window couldn’t get out in an emergency.”

“Lady, if there’s an emergency, I can get over that bag,” he assured her.

The nice man on the aisle helped me poke the bag under the seat in front of me and people all around were helping us satisfy the grouchy attendant so we could get underway. After our forty-five minute ride, my husband suggested we get off last as we had to hunt for our bags under surrounding seats.

As he was retrieving the last bag, I cautioned him to be careful and the lady behind him added with an amused smile, “Yes, don’t break the cookies.”

I imagine several passengers had a good laugh about the couple who boarded the plane after a shopping trip in Atlanta with a bag full of cookies. Little did they know those “cookies” had crossed the Atlantic. And I’m happy to report that not a single angel was crushed.

On this two week holiday we arrived in Nashville where our children live, drove to our Kentucky townhouse, back to Nashville to fly to Florida and spend a few days in our condo, back to Nashville, then on to Kentucky. I was packing once again for the drive to Nashville and flight back to England. We had five bags, three of them carry-ons, sitting empty in the bedroom. Stacks of clothes covered the bed, drawers were open, toiletries lined the bathroom sink, food items filled the kitchen table. I suddenly realized I had packed six times and still had two to go.


“I can’t do this again,” I said to the empty room. Then on an impulse, I grabbed a handful of clothes from the nearest stack and flung them toward the ceiling. A bra and pair of pantyhose hit the ceiling fan and hung there. That felt good, so laughing hysterically, I picked up another handful and flung that, too.

Hearing the noise, my husband came to the bedroom door, took one look at the scene and fled back to the den without a word. When I had gotten that moment of madness out of my system, I proceeded to pack as usual and we concluded our eight-leg journey as planned. But ever after, when I am overwhelmed with preparations of any sort, I will announce that it is bra-flinging time and my family knows to keep a low profile until the moment passes.

Visit Linda at

Linda’s latest release: LET NOTHING YOU DISMAY can be found at Wild Rose Press

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Stacey Joy Netzel December 3, 2009 - 11:35 am

LOL!! Thanks for a good laugh, Linda! And glad the angels made it with their own personal angel. πŸ™‚ Hope the recipients enjoyed them.

Danielle Thorne December 3, 2009 - 1:36 pm

There are a lot of worse things you could fling. Why not a bra or two?

Margaret Tanner December 3, 2009 - 1:51 pm

Hi Linda,
Great story, as we do some long flights to the UK, I can entirely relate to the angels story.And that Belgium chocolate is really yummy.As for the bra throwing incident, good idea. I’ll have to try it.


Linda Swift December 3, 2009 - 3:26 pm

Hi Stacey.Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you got a laugh from the story. We need more humor in life, especially at holiday time. I’m trying to stay calm as I pack for this trip tomorrow. At least I won’t be flying, just driving a loaded-to-the-max van.

Linda Swift December 3, 2009 - 3:27 pm

Danielle, I think I know now what they mean when they refer to the something or other hitting the fan. The only worse thing would have been if the fan had been running. But a ceiling fan in KY in winter? No way.

Linda Swift December 3, 2009 - 3:29 pm

Yes, Margaret. It is very liberating to fling something toward the ceiling (or sky if you are outside) Just make sure it is not a hard or breakable object! Ah, those chocolates. I can taste them still. And shortbread in Scotland. And scones. And….need I go on?

Celia Yeary December 3, 2009 - 6:07 pm

LINDA! I can’t believe this is you!!! My sweet, Southern Belle Lady FRIEND, throwing your bra around. Tsk, tsk.My advice–YOU GO, GIRL!!Celia

Sharon Gibbs December 3, 2009 - 8:47 pm

Linda, what great fun to remember our Hull days. You definitely brought back those memories of the long flights and handling those bags, however, you always seemed to have more fun that most! I savor our trips together, and have very fond memories of them because of you. Thanks for your wonderful humor! Love Sharon

Linda Swift December 3, 2009 - 9:37 pm

Yep, Celia. This is the real me. Thanks for stopping in.
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. We need to catch up with each other’s lives soon. Linda

Janet Nesler December 4, 2009 - 11:48 am

Great Story, Linda! I had a good laugh for the day and now know what to do if I’m stressed. Keep up the good writing! Enjoy your five months in Florida.

Silver James December 4, 2009 - 11:53 am

Arriving a day late, but so thankful for the *gigglesnort*. I think I shall declare today to be a Bra-flinging Day!

Norma Phegley December 4, 2009 - 7:12 pm

Linda,I needed a good laugh after 24 hours of intense rain in sunny Florida.Thanks!

Linda Swift December 6, 2009 - 7:53 pm

I got a little behind on responding with traveling the past two days but I’m happy to report we are home safe and sound in Florida, getting settled in for a warm winter, not like our days in Hull, Sharon. And I also remember our great adventure and what fun we had. And I am still in awe that you took to driving on the wrong side of the road like you’d been doing it forever.

Janet, it was so nice to hear from you. I must check your web site soon and see what new things you have done. And I’m glad I was able to offer a suggestion for de-stressing.

Silver, ANY day is a good day for bra-flinging if you are overwhelmed with things. Throwinbg things feels good sometimes, and flinging a bra sure beats throwing a plate or something breakable. So I recommend this as a cheap way to throw a hissy fit.

Linda Swift December 7, 2009 - 7:25 am

Hi Norma. Thanks for stopping by. Don’t complain about 24 hours of rain. We drove through snow in Alabama on our way down. Made us glad we were heading south for the winter.

Lavada Dee December 7, 2009 - 12:25 pm

Hi Linda, Sorry for the late post. Critical edits got in the way of everything for a few days. I visited your website and love the covers of your books. I’ve bookmarked it for future visits.

What a great scene, I could almost see the bra hanging there. I’m glad you came to Happy Endings and happy to meet you.

Linda Swift December 7, 2009 - 5:22 pm

Hi Lavada. It’s so nice to meet you and I love your unusual name. I know a Vada and Nevada but not a Lasvada until now. Thanks for visiting my web site and your compliments of my book covers. Do stop by again sooon and I will be changing things around to represent the winter season. Yes, I change my web like I rearrange my closets! I missed autumn this year as I was waiting for the release of Single Status, set in the Caribbean before deleting my island theme.
Thanks for your comments.


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