When You’ve Got The Time, But No Money To Promote Your Book

by Jeannie Ruesch

Recently, in my promo plan in a month series, I talked about getting to know your capabilities in promotion — what you can afford, both in monetary and time values. While the money one is often easy to quantify (especially if it's ZERO), the time equation can be more difficult…and if you let yourself, it can be the dish that runs away with the spoon (the spoon equaling every bit of your day.)

So if you're an author looking to promote with your time and DSL connection, only, here are a few things to take into consideration:

Be Realistic About Your Time Budget

With a zero money budget, you really need to be aware of what your time budget is. How much time per day can you allot to promotional efforts? An hour? Two hours? Fifteen minutes? Be realistic about what your day will allow. Often times, this means spending a couple of days jotting down what you do with your hours.

If you have a full time job away from the home, that will be a little easier. But don't forget to account for ALL your hours — lunch breaks, the hour when you get home from work, just before bed. TV time. Kids Time. Significant Other Time. Take two or three days and a little notepad, and jot every hour of your awake time. Then when you're done, you'll have a better idea of what a daily budget for time will mean.

Ways To Promote Online

Remember the number one goal of book promotion: To get people to know about your book and about you. Here is a list of possible options that you can spend your alloted time each day:

  • Website
  • Writing Your Own Blog
  • Commenting on Other Blogs
  • Social Networks such as Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, etc.
  • Email newsletter
  • Message Boards/Conversations
  • Email Loops/Conversations
  • Blog Guest Spots/Tour
  • Write Articles

What To Do With That Time

Let's say that you can offer an hour and a half of time each day for promoting you and your book. So, you need to plan that hour and a half the same way you would plan an agenda for a meeting otherwise, that time will get away from you. BE DILIGENT and ruthless here. You have one and a half hours each day and NO more. If there are days sometimes where you can push that a little, great — consider it a bonus. But do not count it in your daily budget plan.

But take the list above and any other items you've added in (and please, add your suggestions in the comments!), and allot your time: 

30 minutes: write my blog
15 minutes: read other blogs/comment
15 minutes: update social networks messages/requests/etc
40 minutes: email loops

This could be one day of online promotion.  And believe me, that time will fly by so you need to set yourself some reminders (or grab that kitchen timer) and stick to the plan. 

Optimizing Your Efforts

The most effective way to build your time is going to be finding ways to optmize your efforts and make them count in more than one place.

For instance, new tools offers the ability to update ALL of your social networks sits in one place are popping up all over the place. FriendFeed, Ping.fm, Digsby are some that allow you to update/see multiple social networks at once. There are other options out there, so look for the one that suits you best. The idea behind these services is to work better and smarter.

Some ideas:

Using Status Messages to Benefit You

The best way to manage your online efforts is to decide on a game plan and use the various means to promote that plan. For instance, if you have a blog — rather than crossposting that blog to facebook, myspace and other places, keep your blog in one place and then use your status messages on facebook, twitter, etc to let people know what you've blogged. Include a title and a link. But a word of caution — don't use your status message to ONLY display promo information or people will quickly tune you out.

I LOVE status messages on all my friends and associates, I find them entertaining. However, what I love about them is the personal connection. A friend recently posted "I love caffeine" as her status message, and it instantly made me smile and feel connected.  

Remember that the goal is to help people to get to know YOU, to want to know more… so interject some personality as well.

Placing an RSS feed of your blog or website news page on other avenues, such as your myspace or website pages.

Don't spend your time copying/pasting all of our content into five different places. Instead, take the RSS feed of your blog and use one of the many tools, such as SpringWidget, to take the headers/content of your blog posts and put them somewhere else– such as your myspace page. 

Offering an email subscription option to your blog

Feedburner.com gives you the option to create an email subscription to your blog, so people can sign up and receive your posts in their inbox. A great way to be present every time you post.

Placing a Social Bookmark Widget On Your Blog

Make your posts work for you.  If you place a social bookmark widget on your blog, then people can note when they like a post. 

Email Signatures on all message boards and email loops

I've discussed this one before, but can't stress it enough. Email signatures DO count, they DO matter. Make yours the best it can be — it should offer a one line idea of what your product is (either your tagline as an author, or a one line snippet review of your book), plus a website address and your name. The biggest mistakes I see in signature lines is too much information. Focus your signature on ONE thing. I have five different signatures that I use in different circumstances, depending on what's relevant to the discussion and what I wish to draw attention to. But remember, an email signature should be read and understood in under 3 seconds.

Mostly, remember that promotion isn't a one-stop shop deal and you're done.  You'll be doing this for months, before your book and after your book comes out.  So take a deep breath and pace yourself.  Building an audience for any avenue takes time. 

Jeannie Ruesch

Available April 10, 2009 by The Wild Rose Press

~ "A wonderful debut!" ~NYTimes bestselling author Gaelen Foley

~ "A wonderful, romantic story, with engaging characters and an enjoyable storyline.  I look forward to her next book." ~Audrey, co-owner of BookLovers Bookstore, Sacramento, CA

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Eliza Knight January 12, 2009 - 11:39 am

Excellent post and suggestions Jeannie!

I do a lot of blogging, chatting, interviews, etc… all free, as well as word of mouth. I think having an online presence is especially important for me since my books are all e-books.

Good luck!

Jeannie January 12, 2009 - 12:25 pm

Thanks Eliza! IA, word of mouth is also huge…especially in the realm of readers. Someone loves a book, they are automatically going to tell another reader friend.

Tuesday January 12, 2009 - 12:34 pm

Great article Jeannie. I’ve been trying to manage my time but still get a lot done, and you showed us a lot of great ways to cover a lot of ground in a short time. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Silver James January 12, 2009 - 4:41 pm

Jeannie, you’ve got some great ideas here. As I don’t have a release date yet (though I do have my cover art), I’m concentrating on getting name recognition out there. I’ve already implemented some of your ideas (social sites, personal blog/website, email signature), but there’s some that I’ll be adding! Thanks for the advice.

Kathy Otten January 12, 2009 - 9:08 pm

I struggle with this time thing daily. Between work, family, cooking, cleaning, and promoting my stuff, I never have time to sit down and write. Your suggestions are great. I especially love the “be ruthless” part. That’s what I need to be. A new New Year’s resolution. Thanks for your help.

Jeannie January 12, 2009 - 10:03 pm

Hi Tuesday – Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you find it useful – it can be so tough to carve out the time needed.

Jeannie January 12, 2009 - 10:04 pm

Hi Silver, Thanks for your comments! It’s NEVER to early to promote — before you have a date, you have yourself and you can begin to make a name and a personality. Twitter statuses would be perfect for you to spend a little time one — once it’s set up, it’s a matter of a minute or two a day, and you could be cluing people in before your book is ready to what tone to expect from you. Good luck and I’ll keep an eye out for your name! πŸ™‚

Jeannie January 12, 2009 - 10:07 pm

Hi Kathy, I think that’s a struggle so many of us can relate to. A group I belong to, called Mama Writers (watch for our blog soon!), banded together to be a place for moms to find some understanding… It’s tough to balance it all, and I’ve found often that the only way to even come close is ruthlessness in my time.

I’ve always worked best on strict deadlines, from my days in the business realm, I LOVED being so busy I could barely breathe — I thrived. But those were often deadlines imposed by someone else, and I find that in order to get that same sense of timing on my OWN deadlines, I have to treat them as if someone else gave them to me. I trick my mind. Scary that it works so well. LOL

Honoria Ravena January 12, 2009 - 10:39 pm

Lol, I have dial up! We’ll see how my internet promotions go. Yay, I have some of these things. I just have nothing to promote. I manage time very badly. Most time ends up being spent on Twitter because I’ve become addicted. I want on of those little egg timers so I have something that goes off and tells me I have to stop whatever socializing I’m doing. I’m the same way. I can do deadlines if they’re someone elses, but I have trouble getting me self made goals done. I’m going to fix that! And yeah, I’ve seen those email signatures with to much stuff. Even mine borders on too much.

Nancy J. Parra January 13, 2009 - 8:58 am

Great Post! I’ve been gearing up for my latest (MR. CHARMING) release July 31st.
I’m learning so much. This is a great blog site- do you have the follow button? I would love to follow.

Thanks, Nance

Linda Banche January 13, 2009 - 9:50 am

Lots of good ideas. But what’s a status widget? and a social bookmark widget?


Maggie January 14, 2009 - 6:43 am

Awesome ideas, Jeannie. Even for those of us who still unpublished. It’s so important to get your name out there.

Jeannie January 14, 2009 - 9:39 pm

Honoria, I can see that dial up would make online promotion difficult! LOL Besides the fact that I use my DSL for design work, I couldn’t live without it for email and web. I’m addicted, I admit it. πŸ™‚

Jeannie January 14, 2009 - 9:42 pm

Nancy – Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. And nope, this blog is done with Wordpress, who hasn’t yet come out with the Follower widget (that’s for Blogger blogs only). I’m hoping soon! But I am in the process of adding a subscriber option, so keep an eye for that. πŸ™‚

LInda — A status widget. Twitter, Myspace and Facebook (and the others, I’m sure) allow you to make one line “status Updates” — it can be anything from “Jeannie is tired of sunshine. (ha)” to “Jeannie is blogging at Happy Endings today.” A widget is something that installs a function on your site or blog — so the status widget takes the status updates and installs it automatically. You can see it on my home page sidebar: http://www.jeannieruesch.com A social bookmark widget — at the end of each post here on Happy Endings, you’ll see a clickable link that says “bookmark” — it gives quick links to all the social networking places you can save a post to. Hope this helps! πŸ™‚

Jeannie January 14, 2009 - 9:43 pm

Thanks, Maggie – and IA, it’s never too soon to start building some recognition. πŸ™‚

Renee Knowles January 15, 2009 - 9:21 pm


Fabulous iinformation! Thanks for all the fabulous info you’ve shared in your promo posts!



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