Meet Jeff Rivera, author of Forever My Lady

by Jeannie Ruesch

Jeff Rivera

I'm really pleased to introduce my special guest today, Jeff Rivera – yes, a male in the romance world of writing!  Not only does he possess a fabulous smile, he's got an amazing story to share with you — both his new release and how it came to be.  And be sure to comment — Jeff will be giving away a book to one lucky commenter!

Forever My lady is out with Warner Books, but Jeff started by self-publishing it.  It immediately began to create a buzz in the community of young people and adults alike and before long, an agent snapped him up and sold it to Warner Books.  He offers such a great story, I had to share it with you: 

A little about Jeff

Once homeless and living in his car, award-winning novelist Jeff Rivera writes passionate stories of those often forgotten and neglected by society. He believes even in the eyes of a gang member, even beneath the soiled clothes of a bag lady or behind the tears of a lonely kid in the back of the class, there lies a common thread that links us all, the universal human story.  He has made it his personal mission to help change the way the world thinks in a positive way through his stories. Mr. Rivera currently lives in Miami, Florida. Adopted by his Filipino stepfather when he was seven years old, his ethnic background is Black American and Native American. 

Forever My Lady

Forever My Lady(from Publishers Weekly) Dio "Playboy" Rodríguez grows up poor with a drunk single mother in gritty Las Vegas, leading him into gang life at 13. Now 17, Dio hides a softer side beneath a fierce exterior that's known only to his middle school sweetheart, Jennifer. But when a drive-by leaves Jennifer wounded and sends Dio to prison boot camp, their soul mate relationship is put to the test. Rivera, who originally self-published this debut, traces a classic redemptive arc: perpetually scowling Dio resists the authority of drill instructor Jackson and clashes with fellow inmates, but he pours out his heart in letters to Jennifer, forms meaningful peer relationships and gains an appreciation for discipline. A genuine care for dynamic Dio allows Rivera to deliver a sincere story of transformation.  (copyright Reed Business Information)

How did your book go from being self-published to catching the eye of an agent? Did you query with it?
You know Jeannie, I did everything out of the box. Sure, I knew the way you were supposed to do it but I did it the way, I wanted to do it.  So, I set out to be one of the few that would self-publish then lead to being acquired by a major publisher. I didn't want any more rejection than I had already received from the screenplay version of the book so I decided to self-publish and build such a big audience online that they'd have to say, "Yes."  My approach for attracting an agent was out of the box too. I decided to spam the publishing world with nothing but my excerpt and the book cover in the body of an email. I knew that the right person would see it and respond. Well, I had like 5 editors at publishing houses and 2 agents request to see the whole book. My email didn't even have a Hi, how are you? All it literarily was was my excerpt and cover. One of those agents who responded signed me. The other told me I'd never make it in the world of publishing and I was sure to send them the email from Warner/Grand Central when they made an offer a few weeks later. (How evil of me… but I had to!)

What would you say Forever My Lady is about to you as the writer?
For me Forever My Lady is a cautionary tale not just to teens but also to the world about what happens when you're not willing to let your relationship go in the direction in naturally should go. Sometimes we want to hold on to things and keep things the way they are, we panic when we see the relationship evolving into something else. That's what the character Dio goes through when he sees his soul mate start to be "distracted" and he keeps holding on to the hope that she'll be there for him even though her actions are showing something else.
You have an interesting character named Louise who is in what seems like an abusive relationship. Why did you decide to give her that background?
I knew from the beginning that she was going to appear at first as sort of trailer-trashy. I saw her with missing teeth. Then, I asked myself how did she get those missing teeth. That's when the story evolved and I realized that she had them knocked out by her current husband. I have friends who are still in abusive relationships and no matter what I do to plead they get out of it, they're not ready yet and it breaks my heart to see it.
Have you ever experienced an abusive relationship?
Yes, I was in an emotionally abusive and dysfunctional relationship but I don't feel sorry for myself, I chose to stay in it and in that way I was a willing participant in the dysfunction.
Why did you decide to go against the grain with the ending in the book?
I wanted the ending to be happy in a way, and in a way it is depending on how you look at it but at the same time I wanted it to be realistic to be believable and no matter how you feel about the ending, love it or not you have to admit it is believable.
Your book has a definite romantic theme… how are you finding being a "romance" author as a male?
You know I love it. I was looking at the list of books that I plan to write and they all have some type of love story element to them. I am a lover of love. I believe in soul mates and twin flames and I believe there's the right person(s) out there for everyone, including me! In the meantime, you have to just enjoy life right now the way it is and that person will come around at the right time. For example, I met someone recently who I would marry yesterday, right person but probably not the right time for them.

What is your favorite book to read?
I go back to when my fourth grade teacher used to read to us, books like Where the Red Fern Grows and The Outsiders have stuck with me and made an impression on me even today.
What are you working on now?
I'm working on some books for Young Adults. I love working with young people and so it's right up my alley.

Where can we get Forever My Lady? or or of course, bookstores all over.

Visit Jeff at

Thank you so much for being here, Jeff.  


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Brenda Novak October 28, 2008 - 9:01 am

Hi Jeff–

What a great interview. I really like your approach to life. We can’t change what happens to us (in many cases), but we can change the way we react to it and turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. It looks like you’ve done just that! Way to go!

All the best–Brenda Novak

Renee Knowles October 28, 2008 - 10:20 am


You have a very interesting story. Thank you for sharing it here on Jeannie’s blog. I love your out of the box approach. Congrats on your book and wishing you continued success!

This looks like a fabulous read!


Renee Knowles

Betty October 28, 2008 - 11:10 am

There really is hope for publication.

I love the cover. I haven’t been to happy with Grand Central in a while.
I’m going to read this even if I have to buy it myself.
Maybe this will be the one. πŸ™‚

Honoria Ravena October 28, 2008 - 11:51 am

Awesome story about how you got published. I like that you were self published first, you must be a marketing genius.

I think I would have had to send an email to that agent too, just for a nice “Haha, weren’t you wrong!”

Your book sounds excellent. I think I’ll have to get it. Thanks for feeding the addiction.


Janelle October 28, 2008 - 6:43 pm

How wonderful to see a romance written by a manly man. I like his outlook in life. I hope nothing but his continued success.

Anne Kane October 28, 2008 - 7:04 pm

Hi Jeff
This sounds like a great book – and I love the way you went about getting a publisher. You sound like a definite glass-half-full kind of guy. I expect to see you on the NY Times bestseller list soon!

Anne Kane

Eliza Knight October 29, 2008 - 5:57 am

Thanks for sharing Jeff with us Jeannie!

Your book sounds fabulous and you have a wonderful story. I love that you sent the warner info to the person who told you you’d never make it! Wish I could seen their face. Good luck to you and congrats!!!


Jeff Rivera October 29, 2008 - 6:45 am

Thank you so much for your support, everyone! I really appreciate your encouraging words and thank you Jeannie, for the great interview!! (Jeff Rivera — Author of FOREVER MY LADY)


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