A title for Adam and Aria!

by Jeannie Ruesch

CoverComingSoon_cloakedindangerJust this past week, I got an email from my editor with the title that Harlequin’s Carina Press has come up with for Adam and Aria’s story of suspense and romance.  And I LOVE it!  I think it perfectly fits the mood of the story, the history and the suspense.   Drumroll please…


So what do you think?

For the longest time, I referred to this story as I was writing it as THE LIST.  And it had other titles along the way… including At Any Cost.  But none of the ones I came up were right or particularly provocative.  So I wasn’t really tied to the title I queried the book with.  But I truly LOVE this title.  I think it’s a perfect blend of the history of the times, the suspense aspect and it very clearly explains the story.

And because I still have Lily and Cordelia to write stories for, I can absolutely see the titles that come after this.   I now have a working title in my head for Lily’s story as well.   And because coming up with titles is tough, I thought I’d share some of the less-than-stellar (and not all totally serious) contenders I offered up for this story (which the Harlequin/CP team rightfully rejected. LOL)

Abduction makes the Earl Grow Fonder

Three Men and Miss Whitney

One Good Scandal Deserves Another

Anyway… next up for Cloaked in Danger — an updated blurb and cover art!  The release date is January 27, 2014.  Can’t wait!

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maria cantu September 2, 2013 - 3:19 am

I can’t wait to read cloaked in danger. I read something about her last night and I couldn’t put it down. It made me laugh, angry, and it made me cry. I loved the ending, too. Thank you.

Jeannie Ruesch September 2, 2013 - 8:38 pm

Hi Maria!
Thanks so much! I’m thrilled to know you enjoyed Blythe and Michael’s story. 🙂 Can’t wait to share Adam and Aria with you, too!


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