Tap-tap-taptaptaptap-tap…what sound is this?

by Jeannie Ruesch

Tonight, I’m a wee bit (okay a lot bit) late in posting.Β  I sat down tonight to write out my blog post and something really fun happened.Β  I opened up Word and found my WIP.Β  I started editing, typing, changing, rewriting and writing some more. Β  Hours ago.Β Β  Yes, I have to share that today is truly the first day in months that I’ve spent HOURS writing.Β  And I feel a bit like channeling Julie Andrews and running around on the lawn, hands open wide and singing about my favorite things.

Because this is absolutely one of them.Β  I didn’t think I’d forgotten how good it feels. Or how addictive it can be. (Just five more minutes.Β  Okay, ten.Β Β  Who needs seven hours of sleep? ….Well,Β  I can make do with five.)Β  When the writing is good, you know the drill.Β  You get in the zone and you don’t want to stop.Β Β  And after the hiatus, this zone feels incredible.Β Β  It is one of my favorite things.Β  The tap-tap-taptaptap of the keyboard as I hurry to keep up with the thoughts in my head.Β Β  The warm feeling in my fingers as they connect to my brain.Β  And that bouyant feeling inside because I’m doing what I love.

In the midst of rewrites or rejections or the just life itself, it can be easy to forget why we write.Β  What it makes us feel.Β  What it is that brings us such joy.Β Β  And because I’m feeling that particular brand of joy tonight, I thought I’d share.Β  It’s the same as it was when I was six years old and finished my first story.Β  About five pages, handwritten in the big, loopy writing of a child.Β  But it was all mine, start to finish.Β  I can still recall the white princess desk I sat on.Β  The ridges of the pencil I held firmly in my hand.Β  The uncomfortable area of my rear end after sitting for so long.Β  The tickle of the carpet under my feet as I ran down the hall to tell my parents I had finished my story. Β  All of those things are crystal clear.Β Β Β  When I’m writing, it’s those details that set the scene, that make it unique.

It’s wonderful to know that so many years later, that singular joy hasn’t changed.

What about you?Β  What’s a memory you have of writing that stands out in sensory detail?

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JK Coi April 5, 2011 - 5:32 am

Oh, that’s wonderful! I love when the writing flows so well…but it’s tough to get into that kind of groove. I love the feeling when I know I’ve found the perfect combination of words. I might still edit the crap out of it later, but in this moment I know it’s right!

Lavada Dee April 5, 2011 - 9:45 am

This a very visual post, and brings my own feelings to the surface. I love creating characters, settings and stories. Its like being in a parallel world and once it is out of my head it becomes real. A good feeling.

Laurie Ryan April 5, 2011 - 2:09 pm

Ah, how awesome that you had one of those “I don’t want to stop writing” moments. I love those. I don’t think I have a particular episode, but I have an element. I love when the warmer weather hits and I can take my laptop out on deck. I curl up on our cushy swing and write away.

Silver James April 5, 2011 - 3:40 pm

Congrats on rediscovering the groove, Jeannie! I love when that happens. I adore the image of the little girl writing at her princess desk.

I remember writing my first “novel” in English class in the 8th grade. The spiral notebook had a black and white plaid cover that felt like fabric. I would write madly when the teacher wasn’t looking and then pass the notebook off to my best friend so she could read it in her next class. We’d meet at the next break and she would pass it back. Should I mention the heroes were two of our rock star crushes? And we, of course, were the heroines? Yeah, I figured y’all would get that. πŸ˜‰

Maggie Van Well April 5, 2011 - 4:57 pm

I once had writer’s block for nearly eight years. The absolute joy I felt when I finally started writing again was and still is indescribable. I have a feeling, from reading your post, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I’m so happy you’re feeling it now!

Mallory Snow April 5, 2011 - 7:44 pm

That’s so sweet! I can just imagine you sitting at your little princess desk. Getting lost in your own story really is the best feeling in the world. I read one of my chapters a couple of days ago and it made me cry! I did my job. πŸ˜‰

Jeannie Ruesch April 5, 2011 - 9:56 pm

JK – It is tough. And I know there’s a good possibility I’ll edit what I did later on, but it didn’t matter. Even today, I’ve thought over what I wrote and still feel really good about it. And as soon as I finish commenting here, I’m back again! TWO nights in a row – can’t believe it. πŸ™‚

Lavada – I know what you mean. The world building, even if you’re building a world that exists today, has actually become one of my favorite things to do in writing. After hearing Donald Maass talk about world building and how to set it in the character’s voice and heart, it’s become a challenge to do just that. Take the ordinary and turn it just slightly askew so it’s unique to the character. It’s fun. πŸ™‚

Laurie – that sounds so awesome! The house we just moved from had a wonderful back yard that my husband built a pond in. I used to take my laptop out to the chair out there and sit next to the pond. The sounds, the calm, the sunshine… love it. I miss that pond. πŸ™

Silver – I wrote my first in 8th grade English class too! It was 150 pages, also handwritten on legal size paper (both sides). My teacher gave up trying to stop me and graded me on that instead. LOL

Maggie – Eight years must have been so hard. But I’m so glad you’re writing now! You know, I still remember the first chapters I read as your CP partner…how much I admired your style. And look where you are now!

Mallory – Thanks. And how great that it made you cry! That’s good stuff. πŸ˜‰ What I was writing last night was partially from my villain’s POV and he’s mean. Dirty. And far out of my comfort zone, so I figured getting uncomfortable with how he was thinking meant I was doing him justice. I have to remind myself NOT to pull back.

Thanks ladies for the support! You are so awesome. πŸ™‚

Stacey Joy Netzel April 6, 2011 - 8:27 pm

Ah, Silver, I wrote a story for myself in HS with Corey Haim as the hero. Literally used his name, then sent it to him registered mail. Someone signed for that sucker! (still have it, too) Then I started a story for my best friend with her star crush at the time. Never finished that one.

Jeannie, so glad you had such a good day writing and that it brought back such wonderful memories. I think back to when I was writing my first adult romance (the Corey Haim one was pure fantasy!) and blissfully wrote on and on and on w/o any idea what POV was, or craft, or anything else that made me think beyond just getting the words on paper.


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