Meeting With Other Writers

by Jeannie Ruesch

This Saturday, I was able to attend the monthly meeting held by my local RWA chapter (Sacramento Valley Rose.)Β  Since I haven’t been able to attend more than one meeting all year, it was a breath of fresh air to be surrounded by other writers and women who have a passion for those things I love.Β  This meeting was what we call a three-page read, where members can submit their first three pages to be read out loud for comments, feedback and opinions.Β  This is the first 3-page read I’ve attended and it definitely won’t be my last.

I had a writing sample – the first three pages of my suspense novel– read out loud.Β  Since it’s a very different genre from historical romance, I wanted to get honest thoughts on how I started off. Was it too creepy? Was it over the top? Was it as emotionally gut-wrenching as I hoped it was?Β Β  The feedback I got was terrific,Β  both the suggestions offered to make things stronger (it’s amazing how one word can change a sentence) as well as the strong emotional responses the audience had to the pages.Β  It thrilled me to see that they reacted just as I hoped they would.

But beyond the work I submitted, I also got to hear what others were working on, to offer feedback and thoughts on what I was listening to.Β  It’s a tremendously valuable exercise, to help you hone your own skills as well as truly give back to others in the community. But not only that, sitting in a room with a bunch of other writers was fun.Β  It was a simple day, spent talking about writing, listening to how talented my chapter mates are, and feeling truly connected to the community.Β  One of my chaptermates called the RWA experience a “sisterhood.”Β  And I truly believe that.Β  Every day, I’m amazed by the support, the help and the outreach provided by everyone involved — no matter where they are on the publishing ladder, they continue to participate, to share and to provide resources.

The other thing I was reminded of is that no matter the stage of the publishing game we’re in,Β  there is always more to learn AND just as important, there is always something we know that we can share with those who don’t.Β  Sometimes it’s simple things like providing a definition for a word (like foreshadowing),Β  sometimes it’s offering a perspective we’ve gained.Β  But this community of writers is constantly evolving — we are constantly changing, and it’s important to remember that we’re part of that cycle.Β  We learn, and we should teach.Β  And if you’re not doing both, then you’re missing out on terrific opportunities to really connect.Β  To help.Β  To be a part of something bigger.

It’s easy to focus on how much we as writers have to learn. I think that every day — how much more there is to know, how many more steps ahead of me to take.Β Β Β  I think the world of publishing is sort of like an obstacle course.Β  You start at the beginning, and work your way through the different obstacles,Β  gaining strength, confidence and a more sure-footed path as you go.Β Β  But no matter how many more steps or obstacles lie ahead of you, there is always someone behind you crossing those obstacles you’ve crossed, learning how to conquer new ones.Β  You’ve been there, you can share your experiences to help them get through the tough parts. Β  So as you forge ahead, don’t forget to look back, too– and see who needs your help.

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Laurie Ryan August 30, 2010 - 11:38 am

I love the obstacle course comparison. It DOES feel like that. Also, I belong to a critique group and find it invaluable. I hone my writing skills through the process, but there’s another benefit. I realize how much I’ve learned when I give feedback to others. Wow. Some of this stuff really IS sinking in. πŸ™‚

Jeannie Ruesch August 30, 2010 - 12:36 pm

Laurie that’s so true — when you realize that you know things now, you have valuable feedback to offer, you can also see how far YOU’VE come. No good deed goes unpunished, and I think in the world of giving back to the writing community, it helps each of us to realize that no matter how much lies ahead of us, we’ve conquered some amazing steps already.

Lavada Dee August 31, 2010 - 12:45 pm

Jeannie, you’ve touched on one of the things I’ve been amazed with, the tremendous support and encouragement from fellow authors. I doubt if there is another field where it is as strong.

Giving back, like pay forward it just keeps giving.

Thanks for an uplifting post.

Robin Covington September 1, 2010 - 5:42 pm

Jeannie: What a great experience! I’m so jealous. Robin


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