The Not Going to Conference Pout

by Jeannie Ruesch

See image to the left.Β  Picture this as Jeannie this week, since I won’t be attending the RWA Conference this year.

The pout won’t be there all week– I do have fun things planned for the upcoming weekend that I’d be missing were I headed to Orlando.Β  Like my younger brother’s 30th birthday (how did THAT happen?).Β  But since I won’t be attending the RWA Conference, I’m putting out the call to all those who are. I want details.Β  Good, bad, ugly, frizzy-haired and everything in between.

Fortunately, our very own Eliza Knight will be sharing the dish and details as she’s able to throughout her time at RWA, so if you’re like me and unable to attend the conference, be sure to come and play with us here.

But since I’m not attending this year, I’ll just shareΒ  the top 10 Things I learned from my first RWA Conference:

The Top 10 Things I Learned at RWA Conference

10.Β  I truly cannot party like it was 1999…or like I did when I was 25.Β  Days of workshops, events, meetings and parties, and I was ready for feeted pajamas and chamomile tea.

9. You can (and will) get very, very tired of the same restaurant for four days. (And yes, room service comes from there, too.)

8. Even though there are 2000+ womenΒ  (and often 2 men, not sure they are the same, but there’s always 2) at the conference, you will run into the same 3 or 4 people all weekend long.

7.Β  The decibal level of hundreds of women talking and hanging out in one hotel lobby ranks up there with a Metallica concert. Hmm, maybe louder.

6. Your feet are going to hurt at the end of the day, no matter what shoes you wear, so wear the really pretty shoes anyway.

5. You actually can consume too much chocolate in a 72 hour period.

4. If you get 3 or more women in a conversation together, no matter who they are (mega-romance-stars, first timers, editors, agents or anywhere in between), the conversation will always, always turn to hair.

3. An RWA conference is the only place where you can overhear five different conversations that include the words “sex slave” and not bat an eye.

2.Β  Whatever is plaguing you as a writer when you leave for conference will get addressed, most likely subconsciously, in your workshop attendance choices.Β  You won’t realize this until you get home.Β  Or maybe next year.

1.Β  If you know a single guy, send him to the hotel lobby or the Harlequin party.Β  He’ll be prime meat.

Since Eliza and Silver did a great job in giving some hints and tricks to attending conference, I’ll only add one thing.Β  In all your events, partying, sight-seeing (if you manage it), give yourself some time to walk down to the lobby and look around.Β  It doesn’t matter if you go alone — and if you aren’t sure where to go, follow the buzz of voices.Β  But for me, the lobby of the hotel was my favorite way to end a day.Β  Jam-packed with others attending,Β  everyone relaxing and chatting — it has often been where some of my most fun memories come from.Β  Take the time — it’s worth it.

So while you’re partying, schmoozing, listening, learning, and soaking up the Florida sun, remember those of left behind…who will likely be eating just as much chocolate as you are and waiting to hear about the fun.Β  Enjoy your conference!!

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Silver James July 26, 2010 - 7:20 am

We’ll miss you this year, Jeannie! I’ll be tweeting and doing the tweet-photo thing from my iPhone. Longer updates will likely have to wait until I have a moment to catch my breath but I’ll do my best to drop in as I can, plus an overview of my experience next week on my blog day!

I’ve got a few last minute errands and packing today. I’m off at the crack of dawn tomorrow!

And wish your little bro a happy one for me!

Laurie Ryan July 26, 2010 - 8:13 am

Lol, Jeannie. I’m one of the ones staying home this year. I’m setting my sights on my first national convention being New York in 2011, but we’ll see. I have a question. Do you think that going strictly for the networking is enough of a reason? I chose to not go this year because I didn’t have a story ready to pitch. But now I’m wondering if I should have gone for the meet and greet stuff…and the workshops.

Jeannie Ruesch July 26, 2010 - 8:56 am

@Silver — I look forward to your updates! πŸ™‚

@Laurie — Yes. Yes, and yes. It’s absolutely worth going, even if you don’t have a book to pitch. Granted, the pitches give a focus, but there is so, so much more at the conference than that. The opportunity to network, meet and get to know other writers and authors. The workshops… the experiences at the conference are tremendous. You never know who you’ll end up sitting next to on the plane (*cough*Laura Lee Gurhke*cough*), or who you will meet while wandering through the lobby each night,after the day is done. I LOVE conference, and whenever possible, I plan to be there — book to pitch or not. πŸ™‚

Eliza Knight July 26, 2010 - 12:28 pm

Jeannie, what a great list! I was laughing while reading πŸ™‚ I am so going to miss you this year!!! I’ll be sure to post often. Don’t eat TOO much chocolate…. Happy birthday to your little bro!

pattianncolt July 26, 2010 - 8:49 pm

Oh man, Jeannie! I loved this. What a great list and so true. I’m one of the ‘pouting can’t go’ people, too. And Laurie – totally agree with Jeannie. It’s worth going no matter what. It is such a tremendous experience, you won’t be sorry. I hope Silver and Eliza enjoy for all of us!

Jeannie Ruesch July 26, 2010 - 11:15 pm

@Eliza — Have a blast for us!!! And we’ll always have the crazy lady in the signing room. LOL

@Patti Ann — You know, I think for me what makes it so unforgettable is just the energy. There is SO much positive energy at the RWA conference, it’s amazing. Women excited, focused, having fun… I read on someone’s blog talking about RWA about not to listen to the gossip, not to let others get you down, etc… and I was truly surprised to read that. It’s never been the experience I’ve had there. Perhaps it’s what you make of it, but I’ve loved it every time.

Stacey Joy Netzel August 4, 2010 - 7:33 am

Jeannie–reading this AFTER conference is better than having read it before. Because as I read each one I was like, “Yep…Yep…Yep.” They’re all so true! (No, I didn’t expect you to lie to us, but your list was things I wouldn’t have thought about otherwise.)

I would’ve loved to meet you there and am sorry I missed some of the others.


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