Welcome Special Guest Stephanie Beck

by Jeannie Ruesch

Today, Happy Endings welcomes special guest and author Stephanie Beck, who is here to share the latest about her new release and tell us what tortures she put her mother-in-law through…the character in a book, that is.Β  Welcome, Stephanie!

Welcome to Happy Endings. Can you tell us a little about your latest release?

I’d love to. My latest release is called Poppy’s Passions. It’s a mΓ©nage romance about three brothers and the woman they love. Growing affection and an unexpected pregnancy lead the fun they initially share to become something much more. What started as friendship and a very wild night, will have the potential to be family, if the four can make it work.

Describe where you write…

Since I seem to hit my stride right in the middle of crazy, I do most of my writing on my laptop in the dining room in my home. I can see my kids in the living room and see them in the kitchen and be right in the middle of everything. It makes for more stop and go, but also lets me do many things at once.

What did you want to be (when you grew up) at the age of 6? 13? 20? Now?

Well, when I was six, I wanted to be my mom because she was (and still is) awesome. At thirteen I wanted to be a lawyer and president. By twenty I was a wife and mom and knew being a lawyer would make me miserable so I wanted to be the best mom I could be. The writing was always filtered through all of those stages, but making it a career never occurred to me until last year.

What makes a book memorable?

For me the characters make a story memorable. I love them to have a quirk or to have them so devastatingly normal and real that I can put myself in their shoes. I remember the heroin that blows milk out of her nose over the ones who are painstakingly perfect or have flaws I can’t relate to.

Have you ever created a villain or killed a character off who is based on someone you know? (We won’t tell.)

Absolutely. I’ve had the evil sucked out of my mother-in-law in my Freak Sorority short stories on my web site. I thought it was wise to leave her alive for the next time she ticks me off. It leaves the option open to do more and honestly, I feel much better after my characters let off the steam I must bite back for the sake of family harmony.

If you could become the heroine in a favorite book you’ve read, which book would it be and how hunky is your hero?

I’d be Gillian from Julie Garwood’s Ransom. I loved her and I adored Brodick. I wanted to lick the paper. I don’t think any actor would fit him just right, but that Wentworth Miller guy is mighty hunky, I’d let him give the role a try.

I’m sending you on a date with the hero character from ANY romantic entertainment – book, movie, TV show.Β  Who would you want to go on the date with and what would you do (err, PG rated)?

It might be a little cougar-esque (just a little, I’m only 25) but I’d go for the oldest version of Harry Potter. I fell in love withΒ  him when I was in my teens and read the books. I’m sure he’d take me on a ride on his…um…broom and we’d get some butter beer, watch the dragons at dawn and spend the time in pure magic.

If all the romance authors in the world were to work in one building, in cubicles (like a normal job) who would you want sitting on either side of you? (Because you know we can hear everything that goes on…)

I’d love to have Lori Foster on one side, yum on the stories and I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t personally interview the models that grace some of her covers as well as the fighters she writes about. I could get coffee and offer any assistance because I like to be helpful. I’m sure she’d appreciate that. On the other side I’d be very happy to have Shelly Laurenston because for sure she’d have access to the shifters in her stories. She’d bring them to work and I would graciously offer to help keep them entertained. All in the name of being a good neighbor of course.

What was the last movie you saw and HATED?Β  On the flip side, what movie have you watched more than any other?

I hated Kicking and Screaming with Will Farel which made me sad because I usually love his movies. The movie I’ve seen the most is Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I’ll admit it; I love stoner, gutter humor. They make me laugh and very seldom do they make me cry.

Because this IS Happy Endings, I have to ask: What is your favorite fictional romantic happy endings — either from a book, a movie or TV show. Why that one?

I loved the ending to Dirty Dancing. It was left a bit ambiguous and even if it wasn’t happily ever after, it was sweet and fun and they danced! And she did the lift, awe, gets me giggling and sighing every time I think about it and my heart just melts.


Stephanie Beck is a full time mom, part time writer and ameture speller.

She’s been writing since she was fifteen. Her first novel, “Love on the Mats” was a graphic, heartwarming tale of a wrestler and a cutie coed which was lovingly edited by the c-squad basketball team on the long bus rides throughout the season. They were all sure it would be published and it still has a home in a folder…somewhere.

Stephanie BeckΒ loves romance and all things romantic, heartwarming and usually funny, though a more serious piece will find its way in occasionally.

In her spare time she knits and sews, walks the dog, plays withΒ her two wonderful daughters andΒ tries to get her husband to act out the naughty things she researches…oh the sacrifices she makes for her craft.

Find Steph at www.stephaniebeck.net or contact at stephaniebeckauthor@gmail.com

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Laurie Ryan April 29, 2010 - 7:59 am

I SO agree with you about Dirty Dancing. What a “feel-good” moment that ending is! (happy sigh!) Thanks for a great wake-up interview. Now I’m in the perfect happy place to go write. πŸ™‚

Silver James April 29, 2010 - 11:11 am

Wait…Three brothers and your heroine? Where to all the arms and legs go? *blinkblink* Inquiring minds (and writers doing research) want to know!

Thanks for dropping by Happy Endings, Stephanie. I have to admit, while this isn’t a book I’d normally pick up, your voice and sense of humor has me very curious.

Stephanie Beck April 30, 2010 - 7:40 am

@Laurie, my friends used to roll their eyes at how much I giggled during “Dirty Dancing” The story just made me so happy!

@Silver James, those arms and legs…lots of logistics work there making it all go correctly but it was fun to imagine and write. I should probably be ashamed of all the time I just sat, working out the naughty scenes in my head…but I dont’ think I will be πŸ˜‰

I think Poppy’s Passions is definitely naughty, there’s no denying the heat level but I am playful and sarcastic and silly and that comes out very strong in the story too. I hope you’ll give it a try Silver πŸ™‚


Stephanie Beck April 30, 2010 - 7:45 am

Thanks for having me here this week! This was one interview that really made me smile as I thought of the answers. Yay for Happy Endings!!

Chandra Ryan April 30, 2010 - 8:04 am

Dirty Dancing has the best ending ever! It’s one of those movies I have to stop and watch if I find it on TV. Congratulations on your release. Poppy’s Passion sound like it has the perfect mixture of naughty and nice πŸ™‚

kate richards April 30, 2010 - 8:18 am

Nice interview. Steph’s characters are always quirky and interesting and I’ve been into the Freak Sorority since its first appearance!

Jeannie Ruesch April 30, 2010 - 9:29 am

Nobody puts Baby in a corner…

Yes, hopeless Dirty Dancing lover here. LOVED that movie, and that ending is one of the best happy endings there is…even though things weren’t all squared away. Loved it!

Maeve Greyson April 30, 2010 - 4:24 pm

Great post! I’ve found you have to be careful about killing off characters completely. Sometimes, you need them later…both in reality, as well as fiction! mwuhahahahaha


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