Welcome Special Guest Ilona Fridl

by Jeannie Ruesch

Happy Endings is pleased to introduce today’s special guest, Ilona Fridl


Describe where you write.

My office happens to be on the dining room table and my papers are on one of the chairs. I may not be that organized, but creation happens just about anywhere, right?

What is your biggest challenge as a writer?

Getting over that little voice inside my head that asks me, “What are you thinking?” I keep telling it to shut up and go away.

On the flipside, what is the one thing that gets you most giddy as a writer?

That’s easy! When you hold a completed book in your hand. That is just like giving birth.

If you were told tomorrow that publishers were never going to buy another book in your genre, but you would sell in the one genre you never thought you’d write…would you switch? What would that genre be? (And what do you write now?)

I’d give it a shot. In a way, I did that for the second book in the series, “Golden North.” I wrote suspense, but never a structured mystery. That was tough, but at times, I love a challenge. Because I like adventure and action, I may have trouble writing a sweet or inspirational story.

If you inherited a time machine, where would your first stop be –in the Past or the future and what would you do when you got there?

Probably in the past, but the future would be intriguing, wouldn’t it? I enjoy research, so I’d start taking down notes on what I saw, heard, smelled, and tasted. That would be great to go to a place you were writing about to get the right atmosphere!

If someone forced you onto a reality TV show as a contestant, which one would you go on?

Since I don’t like eating bugs, I’d probably favor a game show. Otherwise, I would love to have a new house. Ty, where are you?

If you could become the heroine in a favorite book you’ve read, which book would it be and how hunky is your hero?

Jo March in “Little Women” has always been my favorite heroine, but I’ve forever taken issue with her throwing over the good-looking Laurie for a hairy German professor.
What is a secret talent the writing world doesn’t know about you?

I was an actress on stage in my youth. Not a famous one, just worked in college and local theater. My improvisational acting helped me with POV.

If you could “party like it’s 1999” with a celebrity or personality (alive or dead) who would it and where would you party?

I have been a Beatlemaniac since I was thirteen. I married my husband, Mark, because Paul McCartney didn’t ask me first. It would be anywhere he could sing “And I Love Her” to me!

Because this IS Happy Endings, I have to ask: What is your favorite fictional romantic happy ending — either from a book, a movie or TV show and why that one?

silverscreenh_w2010_300I think my favorite was from a book called “Silver Lies” set in the late 1800s in Colorado. Inez and her Reverend, Justice started dancing to a waltz in a dark room with snow flakes drifting by the window casting shadows over them. After all they were through in that story, it never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

Be sure to check out Ilona’s recent release, SILVER SCREEN HEROES

Addy Garcia and Zeke Shafer are a stunt double and a director’s assistant that works at Majestic Motion Pictures Studio in 1920 Hollywood. A family of gangsters take over the failing studio to make and sell illegal liquor. Zeke and Addy work together to help the police capture the mob. One problem, Addy’s cousin has married into the crime family. Addy has been given a key to bring the family and the studio down. Will she use it?

Visit Ilona at her website: http://www.ilonafridl.com

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Ilona Fridl October 30, 2009 - 10:44 am

First, I want to thank Jeannie for hosting this interview. You really have interesting questions! Next I want to thank everyone who comes over to take a look. Happy Halloween everyone.

Lavada Dee October 30, 2009 - 12:35 pm

Happy Halloween to you to. I just hopped over to take a look at your website and WOW! Talk about branding you have done an outstanding job.

Great interview, I enjoyed getting to know you.

Ilona Fridl October 30, 2009 - 2:05 pm

Thank you, Lavada! Love your name. I’m glad you liked the website.

Margaret Tanner October 30, 2009 - 5:57 pm

Hi Ilona,
Hope this finds you well. Thought I would drop by and support a fellow Vintage author. Nice interview, I enjoyed it very much.


Ilona Fridl October 31, 2009 - 10:28 am

Thank you, Margaret! I appreciate your support.

Jeannie Ruesch October 31, 2009 - 10:42 am

Hi Ilona! A fellow college/local theater actress in the house! I did theater in college and community theaters and loved it. Me, the woman who HATES being the center of attention. But I found I really enjoyed being part of a cast, working as a team. Lots of fun.

Hope you’re having a great Halloween, and thanks for visiting with us!

Sandy October 31, 2009 - 4:25 pm

Hi llona,

Nothing like being a day late. I agree with you about the interesting questions. Silver Screen Heroes sounds like a great read.

Ilona Fridl October 31, 2009 - 9:53 pm

Hi, Jeannie! I went into theater, because I was shy at the time. When you learn the lines, you can pretend you’re someone else. That seemed to have pulled me out of the shyness. Now, I have no problem speaking to people.

Hi Sandy! Thanks for your support.


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