Welcome Special Guest Emma Lai

by Jeannie Ruesch

emmalai_m6hkI have another fun interview to share with you — this time with author Emma Lai.

Emma’s debut short story, HIS SHIP, HER FANTASY, comes out from The Wild Rose Press on August 12th.Β Β  So welcome to Happy Endings, Emma!

Emma’s interview:

Some basic, one-answer Qs:

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Sausage, Mushroom, Black Olive Pizza

Favorite place to unwind: At home on my couch with my hubby

Most recent Favorite song: Daddy’s Hands by Holly Dunn

Most recent Favorite movie: The Ugly Truth

What is your biggest challenge as a writer?

Doing edits. I can easily crank out a story, but going back and doing edits is the challenge. Once I’ve submitted a story, I feel like it’s done. By the time I get edits back I’ve moved on, and it’s difficult to get back in the proper frame of mind for the story.

On the flipside, what is the one thing that gets you most giddy as a writer?

Writing out the first few chapters of a new story and then having my critique partners and readers demand more.

If you could body-swap with someone for twenty four hours, who would it be?Β  Gender?Β  What would they do for a living?Β  Family or none?Β  What would you do or hope to learn from it?

The President of the United States. I’m a student of International Relations and would love to experience one day in the life of the President. I can only imagine the pressures involved, but I’m curious about the process followed in making important foreign relations decisions.

Our characters often have characteristics of ourselves or others in our lives.Β  What’s one characteristic you gave to a character that you know is either you or someone you know?

I give all of my heroines some form of insecurity. Some of them are insecure about their looks and others about their education or career. These are things I’ve had to work through myself.

If you inherited a time machine, where would your first stop be? Past? Future? What would you do?

No doubts. I would go to the future. I want to know what happens. I’d probably spend the day in the library researching all the things that happened between my time and the future time.

If someone forced you onto a reality TV show as a contestant, which one would you go on?

It would have to be a reality game show like Cash Cab. Something I might have a chance at actually winning.

If you could go (or send one of your heroines) on a date with a Superhero, who would it be and why?

Hhm. What a great idea for a story. I would send one of my heroes on a date with Batman. I love a tormented hero.

If you could “party like it’s 1999” with a celebrity or personality (alive or dead) who would it and where would you party?

It would have to be Orlando Bloom, and I wouldn’t care where we were. LOL.
Because this IS Happy Endings, I have to ask: What is your favorite fictional romantic happy endings — either from a book, a movie or TV show. Why that one?

That’s a hard one. I have lots of favorites, but I’d probably say The Lake House. I love the idea of the hero waiting for the heroine while time catches up.

Be sure to check out her upcoming short story:

His Ship, Her Fantasy

Ellie Woods is in love…with a ship. When an argument with the ship results in a bump on the head, she finds herself in the strong arms of Alastair. But, who is he, and where did he come from?

Alastair has loved Ellie from afar for years, but duty has kept him from revealing himself to her. When a grave threat reveals his true identity, he hopes that Ellie will choose reality over fantasy.

Or learn more about Emma at her website http://www.emmalaiwrites.com/

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Celia Yeary July 31, 2009 - 6:02 am

EMMA–fun interview!The questions are great, tailor-made for fun answers. Edits–probably everyone can identify with your statement–except I’m sort of a perfectionist (not that I ever accomplish perfection) so the editing process, for me, is a way to clean up a ms–if it has flaws, I must fix it! Celia

Emma Lai July 31, 2009 - 8:44 am

I am fanatical about edits before I submit. I go through and highlight all my trouble spots and fix them, but invariably things slip through. My most common mistake is using the same word twice in a sentence or in two consecutive sentences. I also misspelled my hero’s name a handful of times…a…i…aren’t they the same?

Cate Masters July 31, 2009 - 9:33 am

Another great post, Emma! Can’t wait to see The Ugly Truth – I love Gerard Butler… and Orlando Bloom.
I used to cringe at edits, but found working with great editors can really bring out the best in a story. TWRP has especially great editors! Unfortunately, not all publishers do, and I’ve found myself wishing I could go back and fix things when it’s too late.
Best of luck with His Ship, Her Fantasy!

Emma Lai July 31, 2009 - 10:12 am

Thanks, Cate! The Ugly Truth was appropriately named, I think, and Gerard Butler is making his way up my hot list.

Stacey Joy Netzel July 31, 2009 - 10:36 am

Great interview! I’m very glad to hear that you liked The Ugly Truth–Donna Marie Rogers and I have been talking about going to see that one very soon. πŸ™‚ Congrats on the upcoming release.

Emma Lai July 31, 2009 - 12:01 pm

Thanks, Stacey!

Josh Lockwood July 31, 2009 - 1:13 pm

Great interview, Emma.

I’m with you on the edits. When I write ‘The End’ on a story I feel like it should be over and I want to move on. Revisions and edits really chap my hide, but I guess it goes with the territory.

Can’t wait to read His Ship, Her Fantasy.

Mary Ricksen July 31, 2009 - 2:26 pm

I hate edits too! I got it all!

Silver James July 31, 2009 - 5:14 pm

Welcome to Happy Endings, Emma! So glad to get to know you better and I can’t wait for the release of HIS SHIP, HER FANTASY!

Emma Lai July 31, 2009 - 5:38 pm

Is there anyone out there who likes edits?

Thanks for dropping in Mary and Silver.

Jeannie Ruesch July 31, 2009 - 6:04 pm

*raises hand* I like editing. πŸ™‚ Although the actual term for that could be debatable… I look at it like layering. I think I’m a stronger, better writer once the basic first draft is done — then I can dig down and really get into shining it up, cutting and revising and editing. I like that part. πŸ™‚

Thanks for visiting today, Emma. It was fun to interview you!

Jana Richards July 31, 2009 - 6:46 pm

Hi Emma,
Loved your interview! Great fun.

I used to hate edits, but I’ve learned to embrace them. I agree with Jeannie. It’s like layering in all the good stuff, making the story what you imagined it could be when you first had the idea.

Jana Richards

Emma Lai July 31, 2009 - 6:49 pm

Thanks for hosting, Jeannie, and thanks for stopping by, Jana!

Emma Lai August 1, 2009 - 6:00 am

Thanks, Josh! Somehow I missed your post yesterday! πŸ™

Mary Ricksen August 3, 2009 - 12:51 pm

I missed this one before, but I’m glad I found it.
His Ship Her Fantasy was wonderful!!!!

Mary Ricksen August 3, 2009 - 12:54 pm

I remember I was here but I just read the story and I got excited!

Skhye August 3, 2009 - 4:13 pm

I’m with you on Daddy’s Hands! Great interview. Although, I wouldn’t want to be the president! πŸ™‚


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