Do You Have a Guilty Pleasure?

by Jeannie Ruesch

by Stacey Joy Netzel

I read an article the other day about how men don’t have guilty pleasures.  They eat what they want.  Do what they want.  They don’t care; they own their obsessions with pride.  It’s a part or who they are.

Now, tell me, how is that fair?  How come they can eat pizza and drink beer and still have dessert, and I feel bad for having a second mug of tea (with sugar AND honey) at the end of the day?  Why do I feel guilty for watching a ‘chick’ flick or reading a sexy romance book when the laundry needs to be done, yet men can go out with the guys or nap or watch sports for hours on end?

I was going to start this post about how my newest guilty pleasure is the ABC show Castle.  Well, as you can see, I decided the heck with that.  I like Castle—no, I LOVE Castle, and I’m proud of it.  What’s not to like? 

Sexy, funny guy; pretty, smart girl; murder mysteries with a very cool writer angle.  Anyone see that first episode, with the scene where Rick Castle ‘plotted’ to solve the case with his fellow NY Times Bestseller buddies at a poker game?  LOVED that!  Especially since James Patterson and Stephen J. Cannell played themselves.  Not to mention, Castle’s daughter is cute and his mother is a riot!  And despite some negativity about the character Kate Beckett, I think Stana Katic does a great job portraying the tough but sensitive detective who’s a perfect foil for Rick Castle’s flirtatious ego.  Rick Castle says, “Everyone has a story,” and the one being written for these two is something I can’t wait to see every Monday night.

As for the rest of my ‘guilty’ pleasures, I’m going to do my best to start approaching them like a guy, too.  Imagine the freedom I will enjoy!  (Which I’ll probably end up feeling guilty for. LOL)

Tell me, what’s your pleasure…guilty or otherwise?

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Silver James May 6, 2009 - 6:44 am

I love Castle. And Leverage! Well…add Bones and NCIS to the list, too. And the Mentalist! Wait…I’m seeing a pattern here. Hrm.

Guilty pleasure? Sonic M&M Blasts and Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappuccino’s with whipped cream. And steak. Blasts are my comfort food. I try to stay in a good frame of mind so I don’t crave. I route around any Starbucks, or decide the line is too long. Steak? At least once a week.

Oh…and auctions! Especially Brenda’s. *wink* I’ve been saving up all year for it. I was even in there for the most bids for about…ten minutes. LOL. I’d love to get that touch screen computer!

Lavada May 6, 2009 - 9:39 am

I was just reading Morgan Asbury, a fellow BookStrand author, Wednesday’s Words. She writes the good and bad of the experience of growing old. For me it’s been less guilt. Still, I don’t think I’ll ever be completely free from it. Though believe me I’m working on it. I still can’t watch a movie or TV show during the day without guilt. I don’t do it often but when I do I get around the guilt by multi tasking. Cleaning out a drawer, mending, any mindless hand task.

Sadly, before I published I even felt guilty about the amount of time I spent writing. This is all self imposed because I have tremendous support from my family.

Lavada, who’s going to work harder on not feeling guilty. Good post.

Erika May 6, 2009 - 12:19 pm

I love Castle, I have a huge crush on Nathan Fillion. I enjoy Beckett and love how she can just put Castle in his place when she wants to, but knows when to take him seriously. I have so many guilty pleasures that I don’t even know where to begin. Reading, cross-stitch, writing, computer games, my kids, my dogs…the list is endless.

Edie May 6, 2009 - 3:41 pm

I haven’t watched Castle or Leverage. I should try Castle. A lot of romance writers seem to like it. I do watch NCIS. My guilty pleasure? Reality shows. I don’t watch a lot, but American Idol, Do You Think You Can Dance (It’s starting soon! Squee!) and Project Runway, which won’t be on until the end of summer. Yes, I know Brava is having a similar show to replace it, but tomorrow night I’m watching the Michael J Fox special. That I don’t feel guilty watching.

Mary Schenten May 6, 2009 - 3:41 pm

Sometimes I forget there’s anyone else on the show other than Castle. He is so cute.
I did see the first one with the authors. What a great touch.
I agree about the guilt thing. It’s 98% women. A lot of women think they have to do everything themselves (because no one else can do it right) so the work never ends. If you’re taking time for yourself, something else must be suffering from your lack of attention. You know what? It will still be there. Let’s take more time for ourselves and not wait until we’re “not busy”.

Sandy May 6, 2009 - 4:03 pm


Great post. Women look for reasons to feel guilty. Yep, we do. Smile. When I come back in the next life, I want to be a man and be free of guilt. lol

I love Castle. I also love Bones, NCIS, The Mentalist and a whole bunch more. lol

My question is why should we (women) feel guilty about everything? My answer is that we do things for everyone else, but never for ourselves, and when we do a little something for us the guilt creeps in because we think we should be doing something for someone else.

Boy, talk about getting wordy and all those dupilicate words, too. lol

Stacey Joy Netzel May 6, 2009 - 4:30 pm

Silver, Bones is right up there with Castle for me, too. David is one hot man, especially when he’s using his gun. LOL I was at my WisRWA meeting today and split dessert with my friend Donna, then had a white Chocolate Mocha at B&N. A small twinge of guilt made me order a small cup instead of my usual Grande. πŸ™‚ I’m getting there. And, yes, Brenda’s auction is awesome! I donated books, but I REALLY wish I could afford some of the items up for bid.

Lavada, at least you’re working on it. πŸ™‚ Keep at it!

Erika, you work on not feeling so guilty about doing what you enjoy. πŸ™‚ I’m sure you deserve it. You’re right, Beckett does a great job with Rick. Like Monday night when she stuffed that donut in his mouth to shut him up.

Oh, Edie, I’m glad you reminded me about the Michael J. Fox special–I don’t want to miss it. Definitely give Castle a try.

Mary, great advice, and I agree!

Sandy, you’re right, which is why we need to stop the madness! πŸ™‚

renee wildes May 6, 2009 - 4:38 pm

Hey Stacey,
I LOVED Firefly so I was soooo excited when Castles came out. Nathan Fillian is just plain FUN! (And it’s not a guilty pleasure because I don’t feel guilty at all!)
And I watch NCIS for Mark Harmon – I still rewatch Presidio a LOT! (I miss JAG…)

See ya at Conference!

Delia DeLeest May 6, 2009 - 5:01 pm

Stacey, you already know my guilty pleasures: Supernatural, Fringe and peanut M&M’s, they’re all what makes life worth living, baby!

Donna Marie Rogers May 6, 2009 - 5:37 pm

Great blog, Stacey! I rarely feel guilty when I buy a little something for myself, especially not a cup of coffee or tea, for goodness sake…LOL But maybe that’s why you’re thin and I’m…not. πŸ˜‰

I love Bones, and I’m a huge Castle fan! Man, do I love me some Nathan Fillion. *G* Edie, I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance! Some of them have moved to DWTS as professionals, which thrilled me. I love Lacey, Chelsea…and Dimitri. πŸ˜‰

My guilty pleasure? Horror movies…LOL

Stacey Joy Netzel May 6, 2009 - 5:46 pm

Hey Renee, I never got the chance to see Firefly. But if I remember correctly, it wasn’t on long, either. Nathan does a great job as Rick.

Donna, one is nothing to feel guilty about, but the second so soon after the first, well, yeah there was a little twinge. Not enough to keep my money in my wallet, though. LOL I didn’t realized that some of the people from SYTYCD are now on Dancing with the Stars–cool.

Delia, I forgot about Supernatural…but oh, the guilt is worth it on that show. Peanut M&M’s are good, but Peanut Butter ones are better. πŸ™‚ I’m a sucker for plain ol’ marshmallows. I buy a bag and open it on the way home from the grocery store. Oh, who am I kidding? I love anything sweet!

Emily Bryan May 7, 2009 - 4:32 am

Castle is fascinating. He not only thinks like a writer, he’s quite easy on the eyes as well.

However, my newest favorite show is LIE TO ME. Even though the hero isn’t gorgeous, the premise is weirdly compelling. In last night’s episode he pulled a “long con,” not only on the serial murderer he was trying to extract information from but also his entire team. A real psychological thriller. The story had me completely mesmerized.

Stacey Joy Netzel May 7, 2009 - 11:33 am

Emily, that does sound really interesting. Is it on cable or regular Network TV?

Jamie Kersten May 7, 2009 - 12:14 pm

Stacey, wonderful blog, and oh, so true! I am a huge Castle fan as well, and for the first time in years I am enjoying watching so shows on a regular basis again – now that the kids are finally old enough to fend for themselves for at least an hour. I’m finally getting back to doing some of the other things I used to love to do as well as finding new things – and I’m not letting myself feel guilty about any of it anymore. Thanks for a great post!

Kris Kennedy May 7, 2009 - 7:32 pm

Okay, I’m convinced. I have to watch Castle. Sounds like a pretty benign guilty pleasure. You just go and enjoy, Stacey. Leave a load of laundry undone ON PURPOSE.

Stacey Joy Netzel May 11, 2009 - 6:51 am

Sorry it took me a few days to reply, Jamie and Kris! Thanks for commenting. Last night, on Mother’s Day, while I did do a little laundry, I didn’t bother to get it folded right away (socks) and I had my second cup of tea while reading Mastering the Marquess by Vanessa Kelly. πŸ™‚


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