Coming up with blog post ideas is sometimes harder than writing an entire book. That blinking cursor mocks, doesn’t it?
Writers often think no one cares about who we are as people so you struggle with what to post on your own website, but your readers want to connect with you. When I look at the authors I love hearing about on their site, on social media, it’s because they share bits of themselves. I feel connected to them. And just as you create exotic worlds for them to read about, your world as a writer is exotic to them. So don’t be afraid to share a little of yourself and your process.
52 Blog Post Ideas for your Writer’s Blog
So I’ve created 52 topics – one per week – that will give you a year’s worth of blog post ideas to write about. And when you write these topics, come back and drop your links on this post – I want to read them! I’ve grabbed ideas from other list posts, like this one on 8 Ways to Save a Bad Time at a conference. Also both worthy topics for consideration for your blog.
- What you’ve learned from writing in your time period (or new work/career you’ve researched for a character)
- Characters vs plot: What inspires you first?
- What you like to read and how that influences what you write…
- Your writing habits are…
- What would you tell a brand new writer?
- What would you tell a child who wants to be a writer?
- If you could do it all over again, would you?
- Your favorite place to write is…
- Something you really want to write about is…
- Favorite character ever written
- Character you would love to create and write about
- Your bucket list as a writer
- Biggest surprise in learning to write what I write
- What you love about writing
- The book that inspired you most…
- How you put myself into the head of your character
- Write what you know – what does that mean?
- The rules of writing: Break them or keep them?
- Characters that are like you and why
- What do you look for when choosing a setting for a scene?
- Have you ever created a character based on someone you know?
- Reality vs fiction – is art really crazier than life?
- What TV show is your go-to reward for finishing word count?
- If you could spend a month writing anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- Interview your main character and what makes them tick.
- Have a Pinterest board for your book? Explain it and share it.
- Favorite FB pages to follow
- Who is your favorite author and how have they inspired you?
- Things that inspire you in your day to day life?
- A day in your life: Walk us through your daily grind and take pictures!
- How do you stay organized?
- The first book you wrote, published or unpublished, what was is about? Where is it now?
- Why do you write?
- What do you think your readers will take from your writing?
- Been to a conference or want to go to one? Share it and why.
- Weekend plans: take pics!
- Your favorite television show
- How has being a writer made you watch TV and movies differently? Or has it?
- Values post: What cause do you believe in? Share it and invite others into why it matters
- Your favorite book on writing
- Your favorite book as a child
- What are you researching now?
- What is the last scene you wrote and how did you like it?
- Share the most unexpected scene you’ve written — did it stay in the book?
- If you have it, share a deleted scene and why it was deleted?
- What’s the next book percolating in your head?
- What technology do you use?
- Interview a fellow writer
- Dear Diary: Write a blog entry from one of your characters
- What kind of music do you listen to while you write? Do you have a song list for your book?
- Which of your characters is most like you and how?
- Share the last blog article you read on writing (go ahead, you can share this one… :))
Don’t forget to share and comment when you write one of these!

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