The London season revolved around the dates of Parliament and any book written in the time period will need to work within the dates of the season.  Out of season, society fled London for country homes and better weather.  I remember finding these on a website somewhere, and I dropped them in my OneNote program so thought I’d share them with you.   When looking at when/where to set my Willoughby Family series books, these dates offered a frame of reference as to when people would be in London versus their homes in the country.


  • November 1, 1810 – mid July/August 1811
  • January 7, 1812 – mid July/August 1812
  • November 24, 1812 – mid July/August 1813
  • November 3, 1813 to July 30, 1814 : See Parliamentary Papers | Google Books
  • November 8, 1814 to mid-July/August 1815
  • Feb 1, 1815 to mid-July/August 1816
  • January 28, 1817 to July 12, 1817
  • January 28, 1818 to June 10, 1818  : Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register Jan to June 1818 | Google Books
  • January 14, 1819 to before the August 16, 1819 Peterloo Massacre
  • November 23, 1819 to late July 1820 (Special session for the trial of Queen Caroline)
  • Third week of August 1820 (special session for trial of Queen Caroline) to first week of November 1820

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