Recently, I asked the Facebook peeps (are we hanging out at Central Perk yet? If not, find my profile here or my Author page here.) for some name ideas for a pub — this is a setting in my current book, The Devil and the Duchess. (Or Cordelia’s story, for those who have asked…)

Thanks to some very creative peeps, I received a LOT of great ideas, and I’ve settled on a few of my favorites.

  • The Limping Coachman – Brett Corrie
  • The Crow and Slug – Marco Male
  • The Owl & Thistle – Karen Junker
  • The Rusty Nail – Jim Schuett
  • Ye Olde Pub – Joan LeMahieu
  • And just for good measure, I combined two suggestions from Ryan Chilton and Brett Corrie into: The Bawdy Whistler

And the one I chose?


And because I’m a graphic designer, too, I had to try and figure out what these would actually LOOK like in a sign, hence the sign above.  (And below, for good measure. Because, you know, scrolling up takes so much work.)



Yes, the Crow and Slug was the suggestion from the wonderful Marco Male… so thank you for that!  And thank you to everyone else who gave me some fantastic ideas, as well.  They might very well make it into another book.

The Crow and Slug is a fictional pub located in London, near the docks — one of many settings in my current novel in progress, The Devil and the Duchess.   The pub is run by two characters who shoved their way onto the pages while I sat back in complete surprise, made their presence known and demanded to be a part of the book.  (And thank heaven they did!)  Their names are Silas and Evelyn, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing about them (and their pub!)

And in my next series, I have an entire town full of establishments that will need some names…so stay tuned on Facebook! 🙂

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