Who Writes Richard Castle Books?

by Jeannie Ruesch

Don’t you love a good mystery?

I know I do, whether it comes in book, movie or…author form?  If any of you have tuned in to ABC’s hit show CASTLE, you’re familiar with the handsome, charming bestselling author (played by Nathan Fillion.)  The premise of the show revolves around Castle’s partnership with the beautiful and tough Kate Beckett – who becomes the inspiration for his Castle’s new book series Nikki Heat.

As both a writer and a marketing professional, I’ve loved the fact that the books mentioned on the show – the Nikki Heat books – have been written.  The first book, NY Times bestseller HEAT WAVE, came out on the heels of the show’s first season (which began in March 2009.) The next book, NAKED HEAT, releases in September (which coincides nicely with the premiere of the show’s third season.)

However, the biggest mystery isn’t in the plotlines of the books or the episodes.  It’s in who is actually writing the books.

In all accounts, from the book jacket itself to the Amazon listing to the placement on the New York Times bestseller list, Richard Castle is listed as the author.  But Castle is fictional.  He’s a character.  So who is behind these books?

Disclaimer: No, I don’t have the absolute answer. Truth be told, I like the bit of mystery that goes along with this.    I do love researching online and trying to figure things out, so it was fun to see what I could find based on articles and other people’s attempts to discover the true author.    And from what I’ve found, it seems a large percentage believe it’s been solved.  But has it?

Let’s take a look at the facts as they presented themselves:

1.  No one is ‘fessing to writing the books.

2. Nathan Fillion does book signings, but he said to Parade Magazine, “I don’t show up and pretend to be Richard Castle.”   So he isn’t claiming or even acting as if he has penned the bestsellers.

3. The publisher, Hyperion, has given only one clue:  The real author has appeared on Castle.  (1)

4. As we know there are a number of well-known authors who have appeared in Castle’s poker games – including James Patterson, Stephen Cannell, and Michael Connelly.

5. The about-the-author blurb on the Heat Wave cover offers:  Richard Castle is the author of numerous bestsellers, including the critically acclaimed Derrick Storm series.  His first novel, In a Hail of Bullets, published while he was still in college, received the Nom DePlume Society’s prestigious Award for Mystery Literature.   Castle currently lives in Manhattan with his daughter and mother, both of whom infuse his life with humor and inspiration.

6. The “Nom DePlume Society.”  If it exists, it’s a secret society, because I couldn’t find an actual record of anywhere. (Not that I do believe it is real, but I had to be thorough.)

7. Tom Straw – the “award bearing name”– however does exist.  He is an actual person, who is –shocker – a writer.  He’s written a mystery novel THE TRIGGER EPISODE, as well as maintained a successful career as an award-nominated writer for shows such as Mary Tyler Moore, Night Court, COSBY and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.  Not surprisingly, on the Amazon page for his book,  the most common books people who purchased his book also bought were the Richard Castle books.

8.  Tom Straw is also referenced in the Author’s Note in the book.

Which means for Tom Straw to be a “suspect” in this mystery, we have to prove he’s appeared on the show.  According to Nathan Fillion (and Parade Magazine), he has.  But when? What episode?

This required a little more digging, but ultimately I found the answer.  He did appear on the show, in a non-speaking, cameo role.  And the proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the video.

Here is a screen shot taken from CASTLE’S Season 2, Episode 5 — during the launch party of HEAT WAVE (which is ironic).   The man sitting at the table with Nathan Fillion is Tom Straw (or an identical twin.)

Comparing the gentleman shaking NF’s hand to the picture of Tom Straw on his website:

Absolutely seems to be the same man.    A transcript of this episode can be found here.  So that verifies the last bit of information.

Does this 100% solve the mystery?  I think the only way to know that is if the players involved confessed, but in light of that… how far does this case make it in the court of CASTLE fans?  If you are the jury on this case, do you say “Guilty?”

But truth be told, I hope we never know for sure.    As a fan of the TV series and as a marketing professional, I’m fascinated by the marketing strategy here.  But most of all, it’s just fun.  I like a little mystery in life.


Laurie Ryan June 28, 2010 - 1:55 pm

OMGosh. I have LOVED this marketing strategy ever since I heard the firt book was coming out. And who doesn’t love Nathan Fillion, especially as Richard Castle. You make a good case but, like you, I’m okay with a bit of mystery here. Just as long as I get to enjoy the show.
Fun post, Jeannie. Thanks!

Mary June 28, 2010 - 2:12 pm

Excellent detective work, Jeannie. I’ll bet Castle would be proud.

It’s funny to read on the ABC site how many people think J.D. Robb is the author.

Have you read HEAT WAVE? I didn’t but I see part of it (1st 10 chapters) is available for preview online. After reading your blog, I think I’ll go read it.

Susana Mai June 29, 2010 - 3:13 pm

I LOVE that show! And you did a great job of mimicking Castle’s detective skills 😉

Judith Michael November 8, 2010 - 3:45 pm

I love this show. I, also, love the mystery surrounding who writes the books. They have certainly been able to carry off a significant conspiricy to keep this mystery going. BRAVO!

Jim Carlson January 8, 2011 - 11:20 am

In the early 80s I worked as a writer at MCA-Universal. I worked with a writer named Steve Margolis. Steve was good friends with the head of casting at the time and was given free reign to wander the back lot. Steve spent a lot of time hanging out on the sets and locations of the A-team, and became friends with Stephen J. Cannell.

Forward almost 25 years. I run into Steve at a charity event and find out he is a computer programmer in Los Angeles. He also tells me he has decided to quit programming and go back to writing. About the same time, the first Richard Castle book appears.

I now wonder if Stephen J. Cannell suggested Steve Margolis as the ghostwriter for the Castle books. I found Steve on LinkedIn, and asked him, but I have not received a response. He’s probably too busy writing book number 3. The mystery continues.

holton westbrook February 7, 2011 - 9:07 pm

i think the person who writes the books is the scriptwriter for the series CASTLE. if it is i would be amazed that i guessed that.

Rochelle February 27, 2011 - 5:12 am

Excellent work! ALSO Nom DePlume means Pen Name. So it’s a little bit a pun I’d say.

Jeannie Ruesch March 29, 2011 - 1:59 pm

@Jim – fascinating information! The mystery definitely continues. The one piece of evidence that has to match is that the person who writes the books HAS appeared on the show — so if we can qualify that your friend, Steve M. has appeared on the show, he’s in the running.

@holton – it’s a great guess. We’d just have to find a way to confirm if any of the scriptwriters have made appearances on the show.

Paul May 10, 2011 - 7:53 pm

I have read the second book, Naked Heat, and found it to be quite good. Good enough that I am going to go get the first one, as a matter of fact. I would say it’s right up there with James Patterson, Harlan Coben, and some of the other murder-mystery writers. Nobody compares to Michael Connelly, though.

Rob July 14, 2011 - 6:12 am

I just finished listening to the 100th episode of the Kevin Pollack Chat Show (podcast) which featured Nathan Fillian. He stated toward the end of the podcast that the real author of (at least) Heat Wave has been on the show (Nathan said he was talking to the man at th etop of that episode), as you mentioned above, and his first name begins with a T. More importantly, the author in question told Nathan that he’s written several mystery books but has never made the NY Times Best Seller list. Tom Straw appears to be the only canidate that fits all these criteria. I’m writing here because this site was the only one that called him out by name as I was doing my own search. Cheers!

AaronVG September 20, 2011 - 11:11 am

I don’t care who wrote them, as long as they keep coming. Love the books and the show. BTW, I went to college with Stana Katic, she’s an awesome actor and a beautiful person.
RIP Stephen J. Cannel

Mary D October 10, 2011 - 2:16 pm

I believe it is Stephen Cannell who writes these books..If it is Tom Shaw he writes ..He write just like Cannell.

Jay October 19, 2011 - 11:37 am

Has it ever occurred to anyone that these books might be a joint work from the various authors who have appeared on the show?

Mary George October 20, 2011 - 1:53 pm


Having read a lot of Michael Connelly books right before I started reading the Richard Castle books, I noted a phenomenal number of similar references about New York, paintings, etc. in the books. I have to believe Richard Castle is Michael Connelly.

Back to reading…………

Jo Ann October 31, 2011 - 10:14 pm

I never thought the author was JD Robb/Nora Roberts..lol you make a real good case for it being Tom Straw though, interesting at best…I once made the comment though when the series first started that I felt whom ever was writing these books had READ the JD Robb Books because of the witty banter between Beckett and Castle it just reminded me too much of the same between Eve and Roarke

Gerry November 28, 2011 - 7:17 am

I just finished reading the first book and went directly to purchasing the next two. It’s the type of mystery you can’t put down even during “Castle”. Watch the show….read during commmercials…..watch the show….up ’til 2AM to finish. Referencing to the TV characters as you read makes the book seem so real. Wouldn’t it be fun if “Nathan” really is “Castle the writer”:?
He personally seems to have the sense of humor to pull this off. Ability?????? Who knows!!!! What a HOOT!

Dynomoose December 22, 2011 - 1:44 pm

I’m pretty sure that there are three different writers. The style and quality changes (improves, dramatically) a great deal as the books progress. Heat Wave was, well, pretty dreadful. Naked Heat was darned entertaining (luckily I ordered them at the same time, or I would have stopped at Heat Wave) and Heat Rises was the best yet. I loved the little in-jokes in Heat Rises.

KB January 2, 2012 - 9:30 am

Mary George,

I’ve read two different interviews with Michaell Connelly who says very adamantly that he has not written the Richard Castle books. He also says that while he would like to know who has written them, he hasn’t even been told who the real author is. He just guarantees all his readers that it’s not him.

At first I thought it was probably one of his poker buddies who write the books. As someone who has read almost every Patterson and Connelly book, I can say I don’t think it’s either of them. It’s VERY different from Patterson’s writing style and I didn’t think it had much in common with Connelly (who has ‘fessed up it’s not him anyway). I was thinking it was probably Cannell or Straw, but now that Cannell has died it will be the perfect time for a new book to come out and see if the writing style has changed or not. If it has, it was probably Cannell. If it hasn’t, it’s probably Straw. Heat Rises was published after Cannell’s death, but given the way that most things work in the publishing world, the book was probably written before his death.

Ron Taylor January 4, 2012 - 9:41 am

I like the Castle TV series and recently have been listening to the Richard Castle recorded books. Several points: Johnny Heller sounds amazingly like the R. C. actor on TV. I was incredulous when I found it was not Nathan Fillion reading the books. Audio chameleon I suppose. The human voice is an amazing instrument.
At first I just thought the writers of the show were the authors of the books and now I figure the scripts are major source for the Ghost Guy/Gal. I remember an Art History Professor expressing surprise I could write “papers” as well as I did. I was also surprised since I was simply adept in knitting quotes and paraphrasings together with my interpolations. Maybe my connecting points were better than I realized. Hope so.

Maybe the snappy dialogue is just commercial and slick but I enjoy it and finally don’t care what the answer is for the question about who really writes the books. Well done. RT

bonnie b January 4, 2012 - 9:31 pm

I think it is the shows writers doing the books. They are getting better as they go along. Each book is better. Like a new writer or writers are learning and growing as they learn to write books. As if he or she (they) have written before but maybe not books.

They could have all had walk ons in the show and never be listed in the credits.

Alex Hollins January 10, 2012 - 1:37 pm

As someone who has done a fair bit of collaboration and ghost writing, its fairly obvious that the first book was written by more than one person. There are at least 2, and I think 3, writing styles, jumbled together. There is a comedy writer who obviously thinks in terms of scripts, as sections are descriptions of scenery that seem more like stage direction and less like description. These sections also hold most of the one liners, and jokes that came directly from the show, so I really think that is one of the show’s writers. The other writer is a mystery writer who knows his or her dialogue, as those sections weave together a much nicer story, and have actual conversation, not just quipping. Then there is either a third writer who combined the two, or the second writer is really good at writing like the first writer just enough to ease the transition back and forth between the two writing styles.

The second book is very clearly written completely by a single author, and is a MUCH better book, so far (I’m almost done with it, picking up the third in a day or two. )

Обучающие видеокурсы авторов Рунета January 16, 2012 - 12:52 pm

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[…]Happy Endings Blog – jeannieruesch.com » Blog Archive » Who Writes Richard Castle Books?[…]…

Patt February 3, 2012 - 10:57 pm

… James Patterson also appears in an episode of castle.

Ross February 5, 2012 - 1:26 am

The acknowledgements also make a brief reference, in very loving and dear terms, to a Jennifer Allen. This just also happens to be the name of Tom Straw’s wife…

Barb March 25, 2012 - 12:45 pm

I love Castle! Excellent writing and acting. @Ross, that’s pretty good evidence for it being Tom Straw. I’ve got to read these books!!

ABC has a great marketing team. This isn’t the first time they have sold books by a fictional character. On All My Children, “Kendall Hart” published a book. They also sold the crystal ornament from the show as well as jewelry worn by the actors.

Tere Pistole April 29, 2012 - 11:40 am

That’s good investigative work. I’m satisfied thinking that the author is Tom Straw…and not really knowing for sure. I’ve read the three books as they were given to me by my son as a birthday present last December. I enjoyed them all,especially the last one and now I see a 4th book is due out in September 2012. Yay, just in time for my next birthday! See amazon.com for pre-orders if you want to save some money.

Sarah May 2, 2012 - 5:39 pm

I find no evidence of the Tom Straw Award actually existing.

Kristina May 26, 2012 - 10:53 am

I just downloaded the pdf of the first chapter of Frozen Heat from abc.com (weblink: http://beta.abc.go.com/shows/castle/frozen-heat) and when I uploaded it into the Calibre ereader it listed the author as Tom Straw. That’s either an oops and more proof, or it’s abc acknowledging the theories and going with the flow. I favour the former.

Ashima June 21, 2012 - 5:34 am


i thinktThe real writer or the ‘ghost writer’ of the novels is Andrew Marlowe,the writer and executive producer of the show :)The acknowledgement of the novel names Terri E. Miller as “my partner in crime”,who happens to be his wife!

Steve July 7, 2012 - 8:44 am


A friend of mine pointed me to this website where someone I know actually posted a comment (last year) stating that I wrote the Richard Castle books.

It is definitely not me.

But I did start to give it some thought, and I posted my theory on my blog.

Please take a look if you’re interested.


Thank you,

Denise August 12, 2012 - 12:32 pm

I just borrowed Heat Wave from the library and I have to say it was great! It totally captures the Castle/Rook and Beckett/Heat personalities!

As for who wrote the books. I think it was James Patterson. No one is better at making you think it’s one person when it is actually another! I will stand by this until I find a Tom Straw book and weigh the differences and similarities between Patterson and Straw!

This is the mystery I enjoy the most! Who is the ghost writer for the Castle novels! It’s almost as good as the show and the books themselves!

I haven’t ruled out the actual writers for the series either, since the personalities of the characters on the show and the books match perfectly!

Hal W. September 7, 2012 - 12:18 pm

I personally feel the first Heat book was writen by the screen writers, I could stop reading in the middle of a sentence and not feel I would miss anything. The second book was much better and seemed more professionally written. The third book was great I had fumbled through about the first 30% of the book and then read the last 70% in one sitting, couldnt put it down. The fourth comes out in the middle of September 2012. Cant wait to get it on my Kindle.

Dennis September 23, 2012 - 3:41 pm

The TV series Bones mentions that Temperance Brennan has written a book or two. Unfortunately, they are not in reality actually ‘written’ (yet) as the Castle books are. I think someone (Kathy Reichs?) should pen the Bones books, don’t you?

Hal W. October 16, 2012 - 7:05 am

Just finished Frozen Heat (the 4th Nikki Heat book) and it was good. Way better than the first 2 but in my opinion not as good as the 3rd book. Anyone who is a Richard Castle and Nikki Heat fan needs to read this book right now because the book is all about “mother”. Start to finish it answers almost all of Nikkis questions about her mother, a mother none of us knew about, including Nikki.
I have also read the first 3 Derrick Storm (Castle) books and like them much better. Waiting for the next.

Chymom October 21, 2012 - 2:27 pm

In a way it would be nice to find out who it is. BUT If we ever do find out we wouldn’t be rushing to read the books now would we? Hope to enjoy more and more books from Rick Castle.

Shannon October 26, 2012 - 6:03 pm

James Patterson and Stuart Woodsnare the only two authors who have been on the show that can churn out books as fast as Richard Castle. And I am not sure if Stuart Woods has been on the show….

Judy November 7, 2012 - 2:40 pm

You’ll note that in the Acknowledgments of all the Nicki Heat books, the author gives a special note of thanks to Jennifer Allen: “.. . it’s such a lovely ride-along” and “The lovely Jennifer Allen continues to teach me the secret o’ life. May it be a long lesson.” These phrases suggest the author has a relationship with Ms. Allen. If you go to Tom Straw’s website (tomstraw.com), you will see that the very photo you placed in this blog was taken by Jennifer Allen. I think we can safely say Tom Straw is our man.

Sherry Matisco November 7, 2012 - 8:51 pm

I’m convinced it’s James Patterson, his writing style and marketing strategy. The man is a genius of marketing strategies. He pairs up with co-writers from other countries, capturing their readers and vice versa. Pattersonis a regular on the show too. I’m a huge fan of Patterson and the show, now the Richard Castle books too!!

ANN December 28, 2012 - 11:20 am

at the end of frozen heat, author states jennifer allen
still makes me swoon.

there was a jennifer allen and tom straw listed as
being married on june 20, 2004 in vermont….

Karen Kacey December 29, 2012 - 6:30 pm

I have thouroghly enjoyed the “Castle” series and I just received a copy of “Heat Wave” as a Xmas present. I am about half way through the book and quite enjoying its parallels to the show, but I was really intrigued by the mystery of who actually wrote it. While Googling for some answers, I came across this blog. I had this nagging feeling about the “Nom De Plume Society” mentioned on the novel’s cover. I knew I had heard the phrase before, and that “nom” meant “name”. Later I was reminded that “de plume” is French for “pen.” Hense a subtle literary hint that Richard Castle must be the pen name of Tom Straw. Add that to the books references to Jennifer Allen(Shaw’s wife) in the “Acknowledgments,” and the pictures of Shaw on the blog with the clue from Nathan Fillion about the real author appearing on the show, and it leaves little doubt in my mind.
Has anyone compared the style of Tom Shaw’s novel, “The Trigger Episode” with the “Richard Castle” novels?

Steve December 29, 2012 - 6:43 pm

@ Karen Kacey……you know, those are really good points. I still believe as I wrote above that Terri Miller wrote the books I read early on, but I am now starting to wonder if various authors take turns writing the books.

I agree, that some of the later books may be from a different writer. I think it may be Tom Straw.

Below is a link to my old theory. I guess I will need to update it this week!


Kathy b December 31, 2012 - 6:07 am

I am reading naked Heat and find the book very much like the TV series. There is some melodrama and light comedy which, for me, never really works in a crime show/novel. I do like the series on TV, just because it injects a hint of lightness in a murder investigation … albiet, I’m not sure, as a writer and author myself, if comedy and murder are a good mix. In any case, the producer/director does a good job of mixing the two on TV. The book is difficult to read when the two are mixed in the written word. As an avid crime novel enthusiast I find I’m just not sure what is drama and what is comedy and find myself reviewing page after page to “get” the rather unusual mix. It is much easier to discern this on TV. Having said all that, I am the author of five books, none that are fiction, but do have a crime novel spoof in the works. I’ll keep watching the series when I can but not sure about the books. I like a real page turner myself and these Richard Castle books are definitely not.

Margo M. January 5, 2013 - 8:38 pm

Kathy b and others who are reading the first book: don’t give up on the series. I found that the second book is much better in terms of writing and suspense. I’m awaiting a copy of the third and fourth.

I’m enjoying the suspense of the true author’s identity as there are so many clues in the novels’ acknowledgements; it truly is a brilliant marketing scheme!

I think the first “soap” to have an author publish the book they were writing on their soap was “Another World” and Felicia Gallant. I never read it–wasn’t too interested in what she mentioned on the show she would be in her book.

Another marketing scheme was the “Murder, She Wrote” series but they were not the books that Jessica Fletcher was supposed to be writing, e.g., “The Corpse Danced at Midnight.” Instead, they were like the tv episodes, although Jessica was given co-author acknowledgements.

I’ll keep reading “Castle’s” works with an eye to clues on its authorship, while thoroughly enjoying the content.

Blessings, M <

Kathy b January 6, 2013 - 4:53 am

I finished the book and found the whole thing to be quite tedious. As a Journalist, I like to know just who the author is. It is just part of the fabric of who a Journalist is … we like to solve the mystery … not to impound upon it. This type of marketing scheme frustrates me to no end. I often had to read a page three times to “get” it. Crime and humour have no place in the entertainment world. I’m glad to be getting back to a “real” crime novel today.
Finally, why would anyone write a book and remain a mystery from his/her readers? For me, having people know who I am has always been important to me as a Journalist, Author and Photographer. AS my wonderful cousin Doreen once told me, “If you’ve got something to brag about, brag!!” Just saying.

margo vicente January 20, 2013 - 10:10 am

i had never heard of “castle” ( i’m a reader, i don’t watch tv), but i love murder/mystery/thrillers, and i love series, where you get to meet the characters and watch them evolve.
heat wave fell on my lap by chance… it wasn’t an easy read, and i wasn’t sure i was enjoying it, then it sort of grew on me… the next 3, i loved!… so i decided to see what else was on this author’s list… and i bumped into this!
i’m totally amused! i was totally conned… i even wanted to find out why this man lives with his mom and daughter, and who this “jennifer allen” was…
now i’m going to search hulu to see if i can catch up on this “castle” series…
btw, having read jdrobb… it’s funny to note i wasn’t the only one to find similarities between heat/rook; dallas/roarke…
and now, off to research michael connelly, whose books i want to read, after reading all your comments!
this was great,

Robert January 27, 2013 - 2:48 am

I agree it seems most plausible to believe it is Tom Shaw. I also hope that we never find out ,even though I like to see if my conclusion of the mystery is the truth, I like having the options open here. I would also like to find out in the future that we are all wrong and its some no-name writer that pitched a television series and got it aired. thank you for the opportunity to share.

Joshua March 27, 2013 - 9:07 am

I’d like to point out, “Nom de Plume” means “pen name” or “psuedonym.”

If Rick Castle was given the Tom Straw, Nom de Plume award, and Tom Straw made a non-speaking appearance on the show … well, I think that pretty much explains things.

Pen Name + Tom Straw = It’s probably Tom Straw.

Bill D April 4, 2013 - 8:53 pm

Could this be a hint? Jameson, an unusual first name. James Patterson minus sPatter = Jameson.

Andy K April 6, 2013 - 1:30 am

Whoever writes does need to check his American History. In ‘Naked Heat’ he makes reference to Peter Stuyvesant in ‘fifteenth-century garb’ Surely he means seventeenth? Still the books are great, and the TV series even better!

John Williams April 16, 2013 - 10:04 pm

Two things I”d bet money on:
1) The books are written by a variety of authors.
2) Frozen Heat was written or co-written by a woman. There are countless elements to the story line and dialogue that simply echo the sounds of a woman’s–not a man’s–mind and voice.

marilyn aitken May 15, 2013 - 9:37 am

I had never watched the tv series, but I picked up the first season dvd at the library and enjoyed it. Since then, I have been finding episodes used as filler on TNT and this season’s ever more outlandish spoofs on ABC. I liked the first season best.
The library held another surprise this week when I discovered the “Frozen Heat” book. The photo of Nathan Fillian on the back cover was a shocker. I looked for an acknowledgement of the real writer, but only the fictional Castle’s background was provided. This is not a Nom DePlume. It is an advertising ploy. The checkout librarian glanced admiringly at the Fillian photo assuming that it was the author. The Tom Straw award should be given to Tom Straw and company. Fillion’s name is never mentioned even as the back cover poses as an ad for “Castle” on ABC.
I already know about Richard Castle. Readers who haven’t watched the series are not in on the joke. They are sold a book not ghost written for another person but for a fictional person with a photo not of the author but of the actor who plays a fictional character with a bio staight from the show. Truth may be stranger than fiction, but it plays no part in this strange presentation. Money does.

Carolee June 9, 2013 - 9:30 am

I do not care to know who wrote the books. I just want to say He or She is a good mystery writer. I bought all the audible books that Richard Castle wrote. I just finish Storm Front . I could not stop; it was so captivating . I literally sat and had the book read to me for 8 hours. Way to go Richard Castle writer or writers.Keep on writing I will promote you books.Have a great time reading

Margi Harp July 6, 2013 - 10:25 am

The books have similiar humor to the tv show, so I’m wondering if the writers of ‘Castle’ are involved in writing the books as well.

Mary July 7, 2013 - 2:18 am

Wow! Great detective work!

Now if you could just solve the Red John mystery on The Mentalist! 🙂

Anita July 27, 2013 - 4:44 pm

Castle Books are great, but they’d be much better if Nathan Fillion was the narrator.
And I’m sure many of us women know why. LOL

Carolee July 28, 2013 - 1:57 am

Anita has an idea .It would be more exciting if Nathan Fillion read the books on Audio.I just ordered the audiobook Deadly Heat. I do not care to know the writer or writers I just started to enjoy books again ; it is more easier for me to have them read to me while I am doing things.I do travel a lot so it is great to have it read to me.

Judy July 28, 2013 - 5:47 am

Yes, it would have been great if Nathan Fillion had read the audiobooks. Like Carolee, I rely on audiobooks, but the voice actor who reads the Heat books is simply dreadful. The first choice should have been a woman as the books are from Det. Heat’s POV. But a good male reader would have been acceptable. Unfortunately, this man’s voice is so grating and irritating that I didn’t even make it through the first chapter of the first book. And he reads them all. So sad.

PitOwner September 9, 2013 - 7:51 pm

I’ve enjoyed watching the Castle television series and am just a wee bit dismayed to learn that all this time I have been watching 1-hour commercials for “Richard Castle Mystery Books.”

Even more disturbing is that I’ve been brainwashed into wanting to purchase them.

Carolee September 10, 2013 - 10:05 am

Pit. Onwer ! I feel sorry that you feel that way. But good writers are hard to find and who ever writes the Richard Castle ‘ s. books are great writers and it refreshing to have well written books.I hope you do not feel more of being brainwashed to buy the books.

Stephanie September 17, 2013 - 11:44 am

To pit owner – good grief, where is your sense of fun , of whimsy? Castle is an excellent series, the entire cast is first rate. If all you’ve gotten out of watching it is that it ‘s an hour long commercial for Castle’s ‘books ‘, you’ve seriously missed the point! This entire concept is unique and very cool; and with so much dreck shown as ‘entertainment’ ‘ today the “Castle” series gives me hope for the future of television. Whoever thought up this “plot device’ is a visionary!

Bill Stout September 30, 2013 - 11:29 am

Further evidence of it being Tom Straw. On Tom’s meet the author page http://tomstraw.com/meettheauthor.html he has his picture which is attributed as “Author photo by Jennifer Allen” and on the Acknowledgements page of Naked Heat, Richard Castle says the following: “To the remarkable Jennifer Allen, I can only say it’s such a lovely ride-along.”, and also on that page he says “And Tom was there early morning and late at night, helping me confront the terror of the blank page and inspiring my pen to work whatever magic is found within these pages.”

Steve September 30, 2013 - 12:00 pm

THAT is the best evidence I have seen so far. You have convinced me that I am wrong. I may need to do a follow up blog now. 🙂


Sabrina Collins October 23, 2013 - 6:50 pm

I think it must be different writers– at the end of Storm Front, it says that Castle got the Brad Parks award from the Allonym Society (or Instiitute), and if you look up Brad Parks, you will find he’s an award winnig mystery writer.

Bill Stout October 23, 2013 - 9:03 pm

Interesting that they said Brad Parks got an award from the Allonym Society (or Institute).

allonym (noun): the name of another person taken by an author as a pen name
Example sentence: An allonym is different from a pseudonym in that authors who take a pseudonym do so in order to protect their identities, while authors with allonyms simply want to use a different name for fun.

How that relates to Brad Parks I don’t know. There is a Brad Parks Award, but it is for wheelchair tennis players. If you look up Brad Parks’ mystery books, they were published in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013, which would leave him little time to ghost write a Richard Castle novel.

So I don’t exactly see how this bit of information helps or hinders our investigation.

Caolee October 28, 2013 - 6:50 am

Well I just started to read Deadly Heat and I do think this book was a different writer for this book .The reason is he or she uses a lot F words on many pages. The other writers kept it clean and interesting. After 4 chapters I surely do not like the writing.It is obviously not the same writer .I do hope other read the book and tell me if they think it is the same writer.

Kristen November 1, 2013 - 10:54 am

I am surprised but very happy to find out the books are real. I will be purchasing them as soon as I finish writing this note: I love the fact that the character in the Castle show is supposedly the one who wrote these books and Kudos to the marketing person who came up with the idea. I hope we never find out who the author is and I hope this person becomes rich if not already. LOVE IT!!!

Anirudh Vasdev November 8, 2013 - 10:26 pm

We all love a little mystery in life .. thats why were Castle fans to begin with! Haha. A good read – keep writing, you have a nice flair for words and narration.

Pat November 29, 2013 - 10:02 pm

Am I the only one who thinks it’s James Patterson? I think he teasingly told us by naming the writer Jameson, incorporating the beginning and the end of his own name. Patterson appears as one of Castle’s poker buddies, and I am convinced that it’s Patterson. As a fan of Patterson, I think the style is consistent with his writing.

Poorvi December 28, 2013 - 8:07 am

Awesome! Castle would be so proud!

Caolee December 28, 2013 - 4:22 pm

I finish the book Deadly Heat .It was interesting but difenitely not the same writer .The writer made Kate say the “F” words a lot.He did refer to the story lines in the previous books.But what affect me the most was when she went to her mother’s locker at the bar where her mother frequent Kate found a bottle of beer and a note inside.The note said I LOVE YOU.For me it was like a message to me from my mother.I had just finish packing my to boys and they moved them 450 miles from my home town.I finish the book Christmas Eve and was very sad my boys were not home for Christmas for the first time. my mother died 2 years ago and her and I never agree and anything even how I was raising my boys.My mom drank a lot of beer which I disagreed her doing.Therefore when I read the part about her finding the beer in her mother’s locker it was like a message to me that no matter what she did loved me.

Marilyn January 1, 2014 - 8:25 pm

Nathan said the writer was on the show. There was a woman at the poker table on at least one of the shows. She sat holding cards but never said anything. Who was she? Could she be the person who wrote the books?

Brian January 11, 2014 - 11:44 am

As a matter of curiosity, I picked up and have been reading the new Nikki Heat novel, Frozen Heat and I find it to be readable. The situation is a bit different than the show but I am a fan of Faye
Kellerman and Catherine Coulter whose works I prefer in the Peter Decker – Rina Lazarus Kellerman series and, the FBI series of Coulter. I am kind of going about this backwards but, I will prevail in the end as my wife owns a Bookstore and I WILL read the Nikki Heat novels back to front since the latest is where I started. Maybe I will one day be as enamored of WHOMEVER it is that actually writes these novels as I am of the two mentioned!

Caolee January 12, 2014 - 4:31 am

Brian do read the first books .They are great .The last book Deadly Heat is difenitely very disappointing compared to the first books .Mind you it is captivating it keeps you wanting to know what happens at the end.

Susan January 16, 2014 - 4:51 pm

I finished Frozen Heat last night about 2AM…I just couldn’t put it down. Whoever writes it really captures Nathan’s quip deliveries and Stana’s eyebrow-raising ho-hums. I laughed out loud so much that I had to leave the bedroom in order not to wake my sleeping husband. The visual imagery created by the author, and by my being such a big Castle fan, is amazing. Having read all of the above comments on the BIG mystery, I think (having read the first four books) that they are written by different authors. My fav is definitely Frozen Heat, and the characters and story flow were, to my mind, different from the previous books. Not that they weren’t good; they were. This one was just better. But like art, books are a personal preference. Cheers…..

Trey January 24, 2014 - 7:42 pm

There is a scene…i can not remember the episode or season…but a single lone gentleman comes up to the table where Castle is signing books… this guy says something to the effect “i’m your biggest fan” or something to that effect…and Castle’s response after the guy leaves is something like “what a loser”….this scene stands alone from the rest of the episode and show….and i was wondering if that was the real “Rick Castle”

Caolee January 25, 2014 - 5:27 am

Trey, the man that came up yo Castle when he was signing the books was Jonathan Franks .He was number one in Star Trek the next generation

Tracey Bousquet February 18, 2014 - 1:46 pm

Castle is my new obsession and while I havent read the books yet im about to start the first nikki heat book. I feel like it could be James Patterson who writes them but I wont be able to compare until I start the books.

Siomara E Santizo February 23, 2014 - 4:07 am

Dear Jeannie:

Thanks ever so much for the intense information provided, since the beginning of this article!! I’m a big fan of Castle’s show & although I haven’t read any of the books, yet, I will ~ soon!!! I love the way both characters work side by side & @ the end they simultaneously come w/ a conclusion…
Keep on the great work!!!

Kerry Mildon February 25, 2014 - 1:13 pm

I love the mystery behind the author of the books. I am leaning toward it being Terri Miller, Andrew Marlowe’s wife and one of the writers/producers of the show. We may never know but that is okay because who doesn’t love a little more mystery in life? Happy reading!

Susan J February 26, 2014 - 10:31 am

Dennis: Kathy Reichs wrote the books that “Bones” is based on.

Trey: I think that was Jonathan Frakes, who plays William Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I’ve been watching “Castle” since the beginning and love it. I recently got a Kindle Fire and have been reading “Heat Wave”. I had the same question about the author(s) and found this blog.

Diana Lewis-Barrett March 6, 2014 - 4:44 pm

I find it interesting that under the heading of “About the Author” there is a picture of Nathan Filion at the end of e-reader copy of Heat Rises. Is he there as a paid “representative” of the author or is it possible that he has this amazing 2nd talent and really is the author of the books? Either way when is the next book coming out? I have read the Derek Storm and Nikki Heat books and have all of enjoyed them.

Caolee March 8, 2014 - 4:11 am

Diana Lewis Barrett. Thought to let you know Deadly a Heat is the next book and it is out. I bought it and read it.I found it very different writing from the first book.Hope you are able yo get a hold of the book and make your own opinion of the writer ways of writing.

janelle tanguma March 25, 2014 - 6:22 am

maybe the author is none of his mystery buddies but that author on ghosts season 1, lee wax maybe shes not an actor but none other than a mystery novelist. or maybe even one of martha’s life coaching clients who knows

Jade March 27, 2014 - 11:23 pm

Just listened to an interview where Nathan says about the author: “He starts with a “t”, he’s in the episode where the first book is launched and I talk with him during the launch” and “he’s never been on the NY best seller list before”

Put all that together and I don’t think there can be any doubt that it is actual Tom Straw.

The interview was on the Kevin Pollak Chat Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl6keMLaCR8 about 1hr44min into the conversation.

Keep in mind though that interview was in 2011 so maybe some of the later books were written by other authors.

Prolixius5 April 9, 2014 - 5:47 am

Hi, great invetigation job done here. In any case, I enjoy so much reading the books.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day 🙂 !

Carolee April 9, 2014 - 2:43 pm

I found the book Deadly Heat quite different writing.I assume it was a different writer .The writer made Kate Beckett swore the F word a loth.He write a short recollection of the history of what happened in the first books.At the end of the book he use the TV actors stories to end the book.I did not like that.

Susan R May 6, 2014 - 6:13 pm

I didn’t start watching Castle the first season but started watching it on TNT later. Now I’m an avid Castle watcher. I have read some of the Nikki Heat books and can place them with shows and seasons. Love it now.

Georgetta Goodman May 18, 2014 - 6:21 pm

I have been watching “Castle” now for about two years. I love cop anything! I worked at our local police dept for 25 years and naturally my inquiring mind is still in gear. I love the TV series and Nathan Fillion and Stanza Katic make a GREAT team. Mr. Fillion I discoverd has been filming for quite a while. He is so funny as Castle. I like all the actors/actresses on the show! I am especially glad to see that Molly Quinn has branched out as well. I would like to hear from other “Castle” fans! I just recently ran across the Richard Castle books by the way. I knew “Castle” was a writer on the show, but did not know there were actual books. Yes, it is quite a mystery as to who writes these books and I too hope it remains a mystery. At least until there is no more “Castle” series. I plan on purchasing the books ASAP. If they are as good as the TV series, I know I will really enjoy them. I am an avid reader and have over 1,000 books in my personal library. Thanks for listening!

Caolee May 19, 2014 - 3:40 am

Gerogetta! Castle books are very captivating .The last book Deadly Heat kind off disappointed me.It was differently
A different writer .Do read all other books they are great.I own all the books.I also heard another book is coming out in the fall.Hope the book has less swearing by Kate Beckett.

Conja June 1, 2014 - 2:34 pm

I believe that whoever rights the Castle books is from the state of Missouri or the Illinois side of St. Louis. There are three references to the area in a short period of time. Lauren Parry’s from East ST. Louis, the cop she gave the Silver Patron to in “Naked Heat” is moving to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and the assistant of the murder vic in the same novel is the J-school at the University of Missouri and he called it “Mizzou.”

So, we find out which of the writing “suspects” is from there, that’s probably our writer.

EternalMiyu October 26, 2015 - 7:55 pm

That doesn’t mean anything. Writers write about places they’ve never visited all the time.

Cleo June 4, 2014 - 10:24 am

Haha! Absolutely love it, and have to agree with you that this is a true possibility. I wonder why the author doesn’t want people to know that he has written them though, you would think that he would credit himself to it somehow? I personally don’t understand that even at the back or in fine print or something in the novels though i know there are some people that deliberately do this with people so that they don’t know who actually writes it, i would love to meet the author cause it astounds and facinates me! 😀

Sherry Stebbins Matisco June 4, 2014 - 12:13 pm

I believe it’s because it is a collaboration, The Mystery Writers Guild, Castle’s Poker buddies

linda June 11, 2014 - 8:11 am

I have watched the series from the first and have thoroughly enjoyed it. When I discovered the books, I was a little late to the game, but then played catch up and now can’t wait for the next one. I loved all the comments, but personally, would rather keep the mystery! I think that someone came up with a really witty marketing idea and it caught the imagination of the people that watch Castle. I do see how it might be confusing if you try to read the books without knowing about the TV series. I am now going back to continue reading Deadly Heat…

dontpanik June 14, 2014 - 1:40 pm

I see some people are upset or think it’s just for marketing, etc. I do not work for ABC, but I did work for Disney (parent company of ABC) and as any former cast member can tell you, it’s all about ‘synergy’. Theme park > movie > toy >book and so on. It’s about keeping you within the world and characters you have grown to love. It’s about keeping the magic alive. Say whatever you want, but if you ever visit a Disney park and ask them how many Mickey Mouse’s there are at Disney World, the answer will be 1. No matter if there are children present or not, that will be the answer. How can there be more than one Mickey Mouse after all? How could someone else write a Richard Castle book? In the Disney/ABC universe, there is a Richard Castle and he writes best selling mystery novels. On a book stand near you, there are mystery novels on the NYT best seller list written by a Richard Castle. I think it’s wonderful.

Jeannie Ruesch September 23, 2014 - 10:41 pm

I think it is, too. I think it’s great marketing and it’s a novel (pun intended) way to “break the third wall” – reach out farther into your audience and impact their lives more.

Michelle June 25, 2014 - 5:31 pm

Peter Stuyvesant was born in 1612. So Old Silverleg would def. have dressed in 17th century garb.

Sarah July 5, 2014 - 9:40 pm

Spoiler alert!! In season 7 castle didn’t die!! He got kidnapped!!!! http://www.eonline.com/news/551312/best-ever-tv-awards-2014-vote-for-the-best-actor-and-actress-in-a-drama-now

Vote for stana and nathan!!!!

Pat Allen August 13, 2014 - 11:35 am

Perhaps the real writers of Richard Castle books are the poker playing buddies from the show= James Patterson, Michael Connelly and
Stephen J. Cannell. Perhaps they all got together for this project.

Jeannie Ruesch September 23, 2014 - 10:40 pm

Maybe each wrote a book? That would be fun!

Ricardo Castille August 28, 2014 - 6:27 pm

It was, of course, the butler that did it – she writes everything.

Jeannie Ruesch September 23, 2014 - 10:39 pm

I like your answer. 🙂

Taurin September 22, 2014 - 11:30 pm

I think Stephen J. Cannell wrote the first 4 books, because the 2 since his death have been of a little different style, and technically [grammar, syntax, and word meanings] inferior. There’s also been some out of character behaviour.

Janice Pittenger October 8, 2014 - 7:35 am

I have not idea as to who writes Richard Castle Books.

Barrie October 13, 2014 - 4:07 pm

Wow. I’m speechless on how you figured this out! I LOVE the series but haven’t read any of the books. I am curious, though.

Jeannie Ruesch October 13, 2014 - 9:22 pm

Thanks Barrie. I love the series, too — and this year, I like the twist of Castle’s disappearance and missing two months. Though I wish they would have played that out a little longer.

Emma October 18, 2014 - 7:53 am

I don’t need to know the real author – I agree, the mystery is sort of fun! What I would love to know, however, is whether they all share the *same* ghostwriter. I loved Heat Wave and thought it fit in well with the tone of the show, but tend to get whiplash when there’s an author change mid-series – and with these all ‘written’ by the Castle monicker, there’s no way to know if that happens here. Has there been official word on this – or, if you’ve read the later Heat books (or the Storm books), do you have a guess as to whether they’re by the same author?

Seaumas October 22, 2014 - 11:50 am

Thanks. I’m reading the “Storm” series and I love them. This one, “Wild Storm” is one of the best I’ve come across of any thriller author this year. My best guess- and it certainly is a ‘wild guess’- is that the plot is set up and patterned after Michael Connelly. James Patterson’s novels are very rough and gritty with little gentility about them. Of course, Its not Stephen J. Cannell. Tom Straw has done a bunch of “ghost” work for other writers, sometimes subbing under other famous authors. He is a true artist and craftsman and can be whatever the deal is. I love his stuff and recognize it. Writing fiction is tough work and an author who wants to make a success at it must be a virtual graphomaniac. “May I have some more, please, Sir?”

Joan November 10, 2014 - 2:57 pm

Wow! what a mystery. I love it. I hope we do find out the truth some day. I love the series and the new book, “Raging Heat.”
Nathan Fallon must be getting paid to continue the “mystery.”

Susan November 10, 2014 - 8:15 pm

Joan, I agree with your first sentence, but the actor’s name is Nathan Fillion.

Carolee Gross November 11, 2014 - 3:10 am

Well right now I am reading Raging Heat and it is better than the last book .I mean the writing is much better.I do not know who wrote it but thanks it is very interesting.I have s problem leaving it ; it is so captivating.hope others buy it.

Aparna November 15, 2014 - 7:57 am

By the way, Nathan at Comic ocn confirmed your analysis that it is Tom Straw who is writing the books.
This is the video of the comic con conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdhnN-0bYa4
He talks about the incident at 34:38

So wonderful that you figured it out before the rest of us…

Love castle & all the nikki heat books

Kelly April 29, 2015 - 7:46 pm

Castle actually confirms at this years Comic Con that Tom Straw is the writer. If you watch his Q and A there is a point around minute 35 that he tells you exactly who writes them… It confirms Jeannine’s assumption. He references being pulled away from him at the book signing.

Janice Hougland November 17, 2014 - 11:42 am

I’ve never watched Castle, but I love reading mysteries and romantic suspense…sometimes thrillers if they’re not too gory (e.g., I never liked Silence of the Lamb or that ilk…bleh). But now that I’ve read this blog post I think I’ll try Castle and see what I think about it. Thanks for the tip and the added mystery about the author. 🙂

david December 7, 2014 - 10:43 am

not bad

Mary Ann January 3, 2015 - 9:18 pm

I am rereading the Nikki Heat novels and have come upon one that has not been mentioned in the blog. Deadly Heat. Is it new?

Vixyy Fox February 1, 2015 - 1:37 pm


We love the series too! The actors are wonderful (all of them) and the chemistry between them is superb. I am most impressed with the writers who never seem to lose the spark. They are totally the unseen heroes of this series. I would love to be able to send them a note telling them so.

Vixyy Fox

maggie March 4, 2015 - 2:53 am

Does anyone else think the author might be a woman? There is something about the way nicki and rook’s relationship is described and the choice of ‘incidental’ info, such as the relationship between nicki and lauren that makes me think it’s a woman.

Shirley Sorenson April 13, 2015 - 3:31 pm

Where can I find the castle series

Alexmrb June 30, 2015 - 6:59 pm

If your library has Overdrive media console (a. k. a. digital borrowing) then you will be able to access a plethora of Castle books. I am unsure as to whether or not all of his books are available, but there’s enough for at least 2.5 weeks worth of reading (assuming, of course, that you can read one book per day.)

Susan April 14, 2015 - 10:25 am


At your local library or an online bookstore. I bought several Kindle books from Amazon.com, and others I rented through the library.

Karen Hardenbergh April 21, 2015 - 6:59 am

I was wondering about Castle’s acknowledgement in “Heat Wave” of his “sherpas” Tom and Andrew (who helped him climb Mt. Everest). Any speculation on the name Andrew? Can’t find Tom Straw’s middle name, or maybe it’s a co-writer or editor?

Kristina April 21, 2015 - 7:36 am

My assumption was Andrew Marlowe, the creator, former showrunner, and current writer/executive producer of Castle. It would make sense for someone to be giving show details and working with the ghost writer.

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BABS May 10, 2015 - 9:04 am

I only found Castle in September 2014, im so glad I di did because I love it and when I found out you could buy the books I thought why not. I am just finishing Deadly Heat, they are easy to read and very good. I would love to know who wrote them but half the fun is trying to work it out. whoever you are just keep writing them.

BABS May 10, 2015 - 9:05 am

I only found Castle in September 2014, im so glad I did because I love it and when I found out you could buy the books I thought why not. I am just finishing Deadly Heat, they are easy to read and very good. I would love to know who wrote them but half the fun is trying to work it out. whoever you are just keep writing them.

george May 17, 2015 - 3:42 am

Do you really love kate bakett?

george May 17, 2015 - 3:47 am

when will come 8th castle?

Carolee Gross May 17, 2015 - 5:20 am

I hope a new book comes out soon .I am anxious to read another captivating adventure in Kate Beckett life.I miss read a life of the detective and her writer partner. Please write another book who ever is writing them.

Anne June 13, 2015 - 4:57 pm

I found that Tom Straw acknowledges his wife in his book also. He was married to Jennifer Allen and her name is mentioned on one of the book covers. I found all of the same information as you. I looked up Castle books long ago and found that Tom Straw books were listed on Amazon at the bottom of the page. They recommended Tom Straw books! It was a wonderful mystery to solve and such a lovely, “Who done it?” I had to laugh!

Anne June 13, 2015 - 5:03 pm

I forgot to mention that writing television scripts is a different type of writing that he learned while living in California. Straw had vast experience script writing in California. The last time I looked his wife and he lived in New York City also and Jennifer Allen is mentioned in one of his books at least.

RGKahn July 25, 2015 - 6:42 pm

The Nikki Heat Books are a fun read, just as the T.V. Series is fun to watch. The difference is that you have to picture the Nikki Heat Movies/Books in your head rather than on the big tv screen. I can’t get enough of them. The Derrick Storm are also fun, but not nearly as much. It is fun seeing the book covers on the show that is the book cover used for both series of books. I will look into Tom Straw’s books to see how his style matches up with Richard castle’s “style”.

Cynthia Lucky August 19, 2015 - 8:43 am

Being an Earle Stanley Gardner (Perry Mason) fan for years (since a child) I of course have broadened my collections to include James Patterson, Jonh Sanford, Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham and many more authors. I haven’t read any of the Richard Castle series as of yet, however I do have a couple of them. As for the television series “Castle”‘ lets just say I’m hooked. I love everything about the show. The storylines, the actors everything. Keep up the good work and keep them coming. I certainly don’t want to see this one go to the canceled bin. I’m an all time favorite of anything that is cop, murder or law related, and with Castle you get a little romance and humor thrown in. My all time favorite show.

Nikita63 August 20, 2015 - 11:09 am


Angela Settlemyre Lee August 24, 2015 - 9:56 pm

Watch show since it came out….have read the entire Nikki heat series….they are so well written, I could not put it down….I advise anyone who loves the show, READ THE BOOKS….you won’t be disappointed…:)

Tangled1 September 9, 2015 - 1:11 pm

There is at least one other author I know who made his bones in episodic TV and also writes great novels. (George R R Martin) Would not be surprised if Tom Straw (obvious Nom DePlume?) was another. Time to read the Castle books now…

Patricia Docker September 16, 2015 - 8:56 am

I have really enjoyed the TV show and also the Nikki Heat books – have read all of them and just ordered the new one. Whoever is the author – keep them coming – they really correlate between Castle and Beckett!!! Good Work!!!

ozarkat October 13, 2015 - 7:31 pm

When looking up info on Tom Straw, I found it interesting the final paragraph of the article said, : Under a nom de plume, Tom Straw has written six subsequent mystery novels, all of which have been top-10 New York TimesBestsellers. He lives in Connecticut where his home is his castle.”

Castle? really…gotta wonder

jcas October 28, 2015 - 6:44 am

Don’t know if anyone pointed it out but nom de plume just means pen name… so I think the mystery may have been solved…. there is like the article said there’s no nom de plume society that is because the translation of nom de plume is pen name….

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