I’m thrilled to participate in the cover reveal for Lynn Rush’s upcoming novel, FROSTBITE.  Okay, so I created it and that makes me happy to see the cover out there in the world.   And I thought I’d give a sneak peek for Lynn’s fans into the steps of frosting the cover girl. 🙂

But first, the details of Lynn’s amazing book and the cover (drum roll please…)


Title: Frostbite (Touch of Frost #1)

Author:  Lynn Rush

Date of Release: September 17th, 2013

Publisher: Lynn Rush, LLC

Book Blurb:

Amanda gives a whole new meaning to cool…

Amanda Smith is sick of getting chased from town-to-town. So when she lands in tiny Trifle, Arizona, she hopes it’s her last move for a long time. Despite hating the smallness of the town, she settles in and finds a best friend, and even a boyfriend. Normality at its finest.

But for a girl who can shoot snow from her hands and lift a two-ton truck over her head like a bag of feathers—normal is not an option.

The scientists who murdered her mother come barreling into Amanda’s quiet life. She must decide if she’ll run again or stay and fight. The price of either choice might be her life or the lives of those she’s come to love.

And get more information on Lynn and add FROSTBITE to your Goodreads To Be Read list!

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17619289-frostbite

Website:  https://www.lynnrush.com

Lynn Rush Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Lynn-Rush/e/B005G3NVBQ

About the Author

Driven to write, Lynn Rush often sees her characters by closing her eyes watching their story unfold in her mind. Lynn Rush is a pen name that is a combination of two sources – Lynn, the first name of her mother-in-law, who passed away and Rush – since the author is a former inline speed skater and mountain biker. All of Rush’s books are dedicated to Lynn, her namesake, and a portion of the proceeds benefits cancer research and awareness.

How the Book Cover Was Made…

Now for that sneak peek into the world of cover making…  Once I have the idea of the cover in my head, the search is on for the right stock photography that I can build from.  In this instance, this is the initial image that this cover started from:


Not very exciting, but a beautiful model and a great canvas to work from.  (And you’ve seen the final product.)  The first step was to change the hue of the image — it was too warm for a cover about ice:

hue change

I pulled out the warmer tones and replaced them with winter tones of blue and pink.  The next step was to add the blue to her hair — an integral part of the character this cover portrays:


Then it was time to set about icing her up.  The mouth from the original picture wasn’t quite right, so I changed that out from another stock photo and replaced the mouth on this stock.  Then I began the process of snow/ice:


Then I frosted the eyes and hair:


Then it was a matter of finalizing the frost and snow around her, attached to her, falling on her and in front of her:


And there you have it!  The cover for FROSTBITE.

And if you’d like a little more information on the process of designing book covers, take a visit at MYTHBEHAVING, where I was honored to spend some time discussing books, covers, art and which seven people I’d like to have over for dinner….

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  1. I’m working on Lynn’s Trailer for this book and I have to say, I’m so freakin’ impressed. Love this cover! 🙂 I can’t wait to get back to the action. 🙂

    1. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for a trailer, Rachel. Your trailers ROCK. And Frostbite is such a great cover to work with, too.

      Seriously, I’m stoked!! 🙂

    2. Thanks, Rachel! I can’t wait to see the trailer! Lynn has such great characters in her books, she gives me a ton to work with for the covers. 🙂

    1. Yay. Thanks for stopping by, Kristin. What’s your email addy? I’ll buzz you a copy of the Frostbite eARC. 🙂 Would you like Kindle or Nook versions?

  2. This was so cool to see how it was made. I loved the detail added with the colors. I love the cover. It makes me cold just looking at it. I Cant wait to read it. If I were to pick powers it world be freezing powers like that. I could use it in the summers here in Az to cool off! Cant wait.

    1. Oh, Tawney, I can imagine those summers are sizzling! Maybe the next book I do for Lynn will be fire… 😉

  3. Amazing cover! I just love a beautiful and ethereal looking cover and this one definitely qualifies as one. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Hi Cherie — Thanks so much! Color and tone make such a difference to the emotion of a book. I’m glad you liked it!

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