General Hospital July Chat —Jake is alive??!!

by Jeannie Ruesch

There is some BIG things happening in Port Chuck in the month of July.  Jake is alive?  Whaaatttt?



For me, it feels like righting a wrong on this show. It was a death that I felt was so unnecessary.   Jason had been written into a corner with how he treated Jake, how he insisted that Jake and Elizabeth would only be safe if they were kept at a distance from him.  But when the time came for Jason and Sam to have a child, how could that happen without making Jason look like an utterly hypocritical jackass?  From the rumor mill, the writers at the time wanted Elizabeth off the show, and they’d written Jason into a corner, so they took an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone — and killed a soap child in the process.

Besides being pointless, it was also such a stupid, stupid move IMO.  Jake, by nature of his family connections, was soap opera future GOLD.   As he grew up, he could have been one of the children to eventually fill in the roles as the vets began to fade out.  And he was connected to everyone on the canvas in some way, from Quartermaines to Corinthos to Spencers to Hardys to Webbers.   I’m thrilled he’s back.

And for the current storyline, what a way to throw a complete wrench into Elizabeth’s plans.  By keeping the truth about Jason to herself, she’s not only keeping him from building his relationship with Danny, but now her own son.  THEIR son.  What a boulder to toss in her path.   While I’m less than thrilled with Elizabeth’s choices so far, I do appreciate the value of a well-tossed boulder.  Nicely thrown, Ron Carlivati.  Nicely thrown.

What about you? How are you feeling about July in Port Chuck these days?

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